10 Best Web Frameworks To Use for Your Next Project In 2024

Last updated - January 11, 2024

The development universe is ruled by plenty of web frameworks. It is critical to conduct thorough research to select the one that best suits your company’s demands. However, it is not as simple as it seems. It’s complex and complicated to rely solely on one web framework for the success of your application.

If you’re running a business, whether it’s a small startup or a large corporation, you should choose web frameworks that will allow you to scale your company for at least the next five years. If you’re a developer, on the other hand, and want to pursue a career in the field, you should choose and master the web framework that has the most popularity, use cases, and scope in the market. It is going to help you find more career-oriented opportunities. 

What if you are running a business but have no idea about which web framework you must choose? At that moment, it would be better to consult a professional web development company. The highly skilled developers will help you choose the best web development framework seeing your business needs. If you didn’t like the idea, then read this article carefully. 

Here, in this article, we’ll explain the 10 most popular web frameworks to help you choose for your next web development project. 

Why wait? Let’s get started! 


React is a famous web development framework that shines brightly in the development world. It is created and maintained by Facebook, one of the most popular social media platforms. Facebook developed React as a simple yet powerful JavaScript toolkit for component-based implementation of the Web’s view layer. 

React differs from other JavaScript frameworks in that it emphasizes one-way data binding. React has garnered a lot of traction among businesses and the community of developers in a short time. It is now the most widely used client-side web framework. 

Image Source: React

Key features of React

  • React is simple to learn and use, with the slogan “learn once, write everywhere.” Developers and engineers can quickly create user-friendly interfaces for smart TVs, mobile devices, desktops, and the web.
  • It is easily used in conjunction with other React libraries for end-to-end app development.
  • As previously stated, Facebook is continuing to support React; around 2.89 billion Facebook users are testing its features. It will continue to exist in the industry as long as Facebook does.
  • Though React is well-known for features like one-way data binding, declarative programming, and immutable state, it is also trying to improve concurrency support, performance, and clean code.
  • React is also unrivaled in terms of server-side rendering and SEO support. It has a lot of advantages.

When to use React?

  • The development team is either already familiar with JavaScript or is eager to learn it.
  • The company intends to adopt a single framework for all platforms.
  • Need either an extremely interactive or enterprise-ready.
  • You want to simplify the web development process. 

When say NO to using React?

  • The development team has no knowledge and interest in JavaScript.
  • For simple and less complex applications. 
  • Speed of development is the most crucial criterion. 


In 2016, Google introduced Angular as a Client-Side and MVW (Model-View-Whatever) Web framework, following the failure of AngularJS, i.e., Angular 1+. In 2021, you should consider using Angular, one of the most popular and conventional Web Frameworks, as it offers exceptional two-way Data Binding and Convention over Configuration.

It also used TypeScript as its native programming language, and it played a vital role in the popularity of TypeScript. Angular is exceptionally stable, with no significant breaking changes in the last five years.

Plus, there’s more. Angular is also an excellent framework for enterprise application development because it prioritizes stability and robustness over innovation. 

Image source: Angular

Key features of Angular

  • It is one of the best and highly secure client-side web frameworks that offers ultimate features such as DOM sanitation.
  • Angular is widely utilized in the industry and has excellent toolkit support, thanks to Facebook’s support.
  • The best CLI (Command-line-interface) in the programming universe is Angular CLI.
  • Angular is a “batteries included” framework that allows you to construct an application from start to finish while enjoying a seamless development experience. 

When to use Angular?

  • You want to create dynamic web apps. 
  • The development team has experience with backend frameworks like JavaEE and Spring and is eager to learn TypeScript.
  • The business wishes to adopt a single framework for all platforms.
  • Although the application is complex, it is not particularly intuitive.
  • When you need business-level web apps. 

When say NO to using Angular?

  • When the development team has little experience in java and has no experience. 
  • When speed is an important parameter in your development project. 
  • When the pages in your application are static and no longer want users to customize them.
  • When SEO (Search Engine Optimization) isn’t a matter of concern for your app. 
  • When an application is designed in microservice style. 


Vue.js has become one of the most widely used community-driven web development frameworks. Evan You created Vue.js as a JavaScript-based web framework by merging the best characteristics of React (Virtual DOM) and AngularJSc (view layer).

If we speak about the learning curve with Vue.js, it is a little less steep. It’s substantially lower in weight, with fewer dependencies, and it’s simple to implement in tiny portions as separate libraries or as a complete framework. Vue will be a lot easier to learn if you already understand the basics of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.

Image source: Vue.js

Key features of Vue.js

  • As it combines the capabilities of both Angular and React, it is the ideal JavaScript framework for progressive web app development.
  • It provides high-quality documentation. It has a large following in China and is documented in Chinese.
  • It has two-way data binding and event sourcing-like features that make it appealing.
  • The Vue.js CLI helps with the creation of a new Vue.js application by prioritizing convention over configuration.
  • It removes the impediment to frontend development using JavaScript.
  • The community entirely drives it. 

When to use Vue.js?

  • When you know HTML, CSS, and JS.
  • When seamless routing and data management is the top-notch priority for your app. 
  • When you want to boost app performance and SEO.
  • A vital necessity is a faster speed of development and a reduced barrier to entry.

When say NO to using Vue.js?

  • An essential factor is the rate of development.
  • App Development for Large Corporations.


In 2021, Django is one of the most remarkable python-based web development frameworks you can use. Adrian Holovaty and Simon Willison created it in 2005. Python’s popularity has been expanding by leaps and bounds in recent years, and the demand for and use of the Django framework has risen in tandem.

It has become extensively used and server-side web frameworks in the development world and is continuing to shine due to its high-end features and benefits. Django is undoubtedly the best web framework to choose if you want to develop a robust web app with minimal coding.

Another advantage of Django over other web frameworks is that it adheres to industry security standards and helps developers measure and avoid security challenges for future development concerns. 

Image source: Django 

Key features of Django 

  • It’s a server-side rendered MTV Web framework with asynchronous and reactive programming features.
  • Rapid application development is possible with Django Admin.
  • It has a rapid rate of development.
  • It is a “batteries included” framework that includes everything you need for quick application development with enterprise-grade quality, from ORM (object-relational mapping layer) to Middleware, Caching to Security, and much more.
  • It provides extensibility with pluggable apps, which allow third-party apps to be simply plugged in.
  • Django integrates easily with the Python ecosystem. 

When to use Django?

  • In the world of serverless computing.
  • When the speed of development is of the utmost importance.
  • When apps need to integrate with other cutting-edge machine learning projects.
  • You need to create an API backend.
  • You need to protect your app from typical security flaws like Clickjacking, CSRF, SQL Injection, and XSS.
  • When you need good documentation to help you, fix bugs as quickly as feasible.
  • You require ORM assistance to deal with queries.
  • When open-source software is required.

When say NO to using Vue.js?

  • In the case of developing a basic and simple app.
  • The development team has no experience with Python and has no desire to learn it.
  • When it comes to large-scale applications.
  • Your software can’t be too big, and it can’t do everything with just one line of code.


Spring is another awesome web development framework that makes java cloud-ready, modern, productive, and reactive. 

Companies adopted the Java Enterprise framework for Web application development during the turn of the century. J2EE had a lot of drawbacks: it was clunky, required a lot of configuration, and the initial setup time to construct even a simple “Hello World” application was enormous. 

Rod Johnson invented the Spring web development framework as an Inversion of Control to address earlier limitations. Spring has evolved since then, and it is now a superb Web framework for developing Java-based applications. The nicest thing about Spring is that it never stops improving with the changing landscape, helping to keep Java modern in the Cloud computing era. 

Image Source: Spring

Key features of Spring

  • Exceptionally inventive and well-known.
  • The idea for large-scale applications.
  • With only a few clicks, Spring Initializer allows you to construct an Enterprise-grade software.
  • It includes everything you’ll need for an enterprise-level web development project.
  • Its attractive characteristics include sophisticated security, numerous data sources, and cloud deployment.
  • It includes features such as cloud-native programming, event-driven application development, batch processing, and more.
  • It offers a high level of dependency and annotation-like capabilities, which many frameworks begin to give after a while.

When to use Spring?

  • When JVM is the preferred language.
  • In CPU intensive app development.
  • Where stability and maturity of the app matters much more than speed. 

When say NO to using Spring?

  • For the development of simple and basic apps.
  • In the world of serverless computing.
  • If speed and fast progress are the most important considerations.

Ruby on Rails

The Web application development scenario in the early 2000s was very different from what it is today. The Java-based J2EE framework was the de-facto platform for Web app development. It was quite large and necessitated a lot of plumbing.

Besides, it also took a lot of time and effort even to write a basic “hello world’’ application. Ruby on Rails was developed by David Heinemeier Hansson as a server-side web development framework that supported the MVC paradigm and the Ruby programming language at that time. 

Many new ideas and concepts were presented, including Convention over Configuration (CoC), the Active Record pattern, and Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY). Fast and smooth application development was also added, which included database setup and migration and view scaffolding.

Image source: Ruby on Rails 

Key features of Ruby on Rails

  • Best server-side rendered web framework focuses on DRY and convention over configuration.
  • It offers Database Migration, ORM, Middleware, Caching, Security for enterprise-grade quality web applications.
  • It is extensively used in the industry as it offers a breakneck development speed. 

When to use Ruby on Rails?

  • When speed of development is the key aspect. 
  • When creating efficient stock marketing platforms.
  • To create non-standard complex projects.
  • For creating Saas solutions. 

When say NO to using Ruby on Rails?

  • If the development team has no expertise in Ruby as a programming language. 
  • When you need a highly scalable application.
  • In serverless computing because many public clouds don’t support ruby on rails. 

Asp.net core

Another leading web framework that you must use in 2021 is Asp.net core. Microsoft has been upgrading its Tech Stack in recent years to meet modern Software Development needs with an inventive, modern, and futuristic style. 

Microsoft has revamped one of its flagship software development tech stacks, ASP.NET, which has been extremely popular in the Microsoft sphere for producing Web applications.

The successor of ASP.NET, ASP.NET Core, was successfully launched in 2016, and it is an open-source and extensive overhaul of its predecessor. It’s a modular Web framework that seamlessly works with contemporary JavaScript Client-side frameworks and runs on numerous platforms. 

Image source: Asp.net

Key features of Asp.net core

  • It supports reactive and asynchronous programming.
  • It’s ideal for large-scale projects.
  • Microsoft’s IDEs provide the best tooling support.
  • With CLI, it  provides a highly smooth development experience.
  • It works on different operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and MacOS.

When to use Asp.net core?

  • Supporting different runtimes is a need in enterprise software development.
  • In the development of large-scale, user-friendly applications.
  • When tooling support takes precedence over flexibility and maturity.
  • When you don’t mind learning new stuff.

When Say NO to Asp.net Core?

  • When the most important criterion is a quick release.
  • When you require a simple web application.
  • When you don’t have enough time to study C# or F#.


Experess.js is a fast, unopinionated, and minimalist web framework for Node.js that you may use to develop web apps in 2021. It’s a highly adaptable framework with a rich collection of capabilities, features, and benefits for web and mobile apps.

It includes a thin layer of basic web application features without hiding the Node.js capabilities that you would love to use. With many HTTP utility methods and middleware at your disposal, express.js makes building a robust API a breeze.

Express is also the foundation for many prominent frameworks. Some of the better examples are Poet, Feathers, ItemsAPI, Sails, and Kites.

Image source: Express

Key features of Express.js

  • It supports middleware, templating, and routing.
  • It supports 14+ template engines. 
  • It is a mature and scalable firework that has been in the business for over ten years.

When to use Express.js?

  • When SEO and fast initial loading is crucial.
  • When the development team has javascript experience.
  • In the world of serverless computing.

When Say NO to use Express.js?

  • App is highly scalable.
  • App is compute-intensive
  • When out-of-the box ORM security is a must. 


Laravel is no exception when it comes to choosing a web framework with expressive and elegant syntax-like features. It also adheres to the “Ruby on Rails” concept, providing CoC and plenty of out-of-the-box features for enterprise web app development.

Its primary goal is to take the pain of development by simplifying typical activities performed in most web development projects, making it an enjoyable and creative process.

Getting started is simple, whether you’re a developer or a 20-person team, fantastic cause of its incredible community.

Image source: Laravel

Key features of Laravel

  • It offers asynchronous programming support.
  • It also has Inversion of Control (IoC) and Dependency Injection (DI) for managing class dependencies.
  • It has a high speed and pace of development.
  • Perfect for web applications that need to be highly scalable and performant.

When to use Laravel?

  • In the development of small and large-scale websites.
  • When you’re looking for a way to increase the security of your app and prevent it against network attacks like XSS, SQL injections, and forged cookies.
  • When you need to move data in your app from SQL.
  • When your app requires two-way routing.

When say NO to using Laravel?

  • In the case of developing a basic app.
  • It’s not the best option in serverless computing.
  • If you don’t know PHP, you should not go with Laravel.


Finally, we’ve arrived at the list’s final web framework, a python-based micro web framework – Flask. If you’re wondering why Flask is referred to as a micro web framework, let us explain. It is unopinionated and produces effective outcomes without the use of tools or libraries.

It’s similar to Express.js, but it doesn’t support ORM, Form Validation, or Securities. Flask is exceptionally modular and offers pluggable Extensions.

With the growing popularity of Python, Flask is also gaining prominence.

Image source: Flask

Key features of Flask

  • It comes with a command-line interface (CLI) that allows developers to interact with the program quickly.
  • It’s also a wrapper Framework that uses Jinja2 as a template engine and Werkzeug to handle HTTP requests.
  • Core Flask can be extended via pluggable modules.

When to use Flask?

  • In case of basic and basic app development.
  • If apps need to integrate with other python data science based projects dealing with machine learning. 
  • In serverless computing. 

When say NO to using Flask?

  • The development team has no experience in Python. 
  • If the development team used to like the “battery-included” framework.

Final Thoughts 

Which framework do you prefer and think you’ll use in 2021? We’d be delighted to hear from you.

If you read the list of ten web frameworks above, you will undoubtedly choose one of these ten for your next web development project. If you have any doubts, talk to a web app development company about your project requirements.

Professional developers will assist you in selecting the right framework for your project and business objectives.

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