Build Backlinks to Your Website with These Smart SEO Tactics (with Video)

Build Backlinks

When looking for the Best SEO Services, the most cherished ranking factor for search engines is backlinks. And so is getting more organic traffic. Since traffic is directly related to your website’s backlink quality, the more authoritative websites linking to your site, the better you’ll rank. This will also get you more organic traffic. 

Since the greatest determinant of your website ranking in Google, you need to appease it with backlinks so that when crawlers Crawl your website, they understand how your pages are connected to one another and in what ways. Although there are hundreds of ranking factors, backlinks are the cream de la cream of effective SEO. However, getting quality backlinks is not a walk in the park if you don’t have the right strategy to go about it. Countless effective tactics can give quality backlinks from authoritative sites. This article will give you effective tactics that are bound to give you results. 

The broken-link building method

Build Backlinks

This is one of the methods that guarantee your desired results. It works perfectly to create one-way backlinks. To use this method, you will have to contact a webmaster and report backlinks found on his or her website. As you do this, suggest other websites to replace the broken links. Go ahead and mention your interest to replace the said links. Since you were kind enough to report the broken backlinks to him, he may be may return the favor by allowing you to do so. Therefore, if you want to use this method, start by finding relevant websites in your niche that have resources pages. You can do this by using these search queries in Google:

  • Your keyword + links
  • Your keywords + resources
  • Keywords in URL:links

For instance, if you are running a graphic designing website the search query will read graphic designing + links. To quickly find broken links on those pages, use a plugin called Check my Links that will help you discover all 404 links from your web pages. After establishing the owner, go to them and explain the backlinks in a friendly manner. Give suggestions of appropriate websites to fill the gap including yours. Be helpful, not greedy. 

Backlinks through info graphics

Of all the methods used, info graphics are the most popular method that is commonly used by marketers to gain backlinks. What makes this so is due to their easy to understand and share nature? Visuals are quite appealing and everyone loves them. This has to lead to its rapid increase recently. The trick here is to use the best relevant info graphics to use in your publication. Each one of them should have unique stories to impress your audience. To help you with this, check out trending topics that are making headlines. You can then incorporate your story using info graphics. To always stay on point, research and gather data for the content.

Build Backlinks

If you are not gifted in making visuals, get an expert to help you with it. Don’t be misled that info graphics are expensive to create. This is not so. If you compare with the backlinks you are likely to acquire, they are truly worth it. If you are looking for designers to help you, try using Dribble. After creating wonderful info graphics, make it easy for others to share. You can do this by creating your embed code using a WordPress plugin. When done creating your info graphics, it’s time to destitute it. You can do this submitting to numerous info graphic directories. 

The advantage of guest articles

Build Backlinks

Another way of getting backlinks is to reach out to new audiences is by guest posting for other authoritative websites. This allows you to get your content to a fresh new audience and expose your work to the other side and for the world. Besides quenching your thirst for backlinks, this method increases your online reputation and your social media followers. You get a chance to leverage your relationships and expand your repertoire. If you are shying away from this thought, you should know that even Google accepts and uses guest posts on its Google Analytics blog. If you don’t know how to get websites that accept guest articles, here are ways to help you, using Google search queries to find blogs accepting guest contributors:

  • Your keyword + inurl: write-for-us
  • Your keyword + guest-posts
  • Your keyword + inurl: guest-post-guidelines
  • Your keyword + become a contributor
  • Your keyword + bloggers wanted
  • Your keyword + submit an article
  • Your keyword + want to write for
  • Your keyword + contribute
  • Your keyword + become an author
  • Your keyword + guest post by
  • Your keyword + now accepting guest posts

You can also find influencers who are publishing guest posts for other websites and start contributing to the same regularly. Do the same for other influencers and opportunities will start popping up if you are writing quality content? Social media also creates other venues to discover your options. You can use Twitter by searching for “guest post,” “guest article” or “guest author.” The process can be automated using Tips to set alerts for keywords you are tracking. Ensure that you are always linking to your social media profiles when publishing guest posts. If anyone likes your post, they can follow you go more content. 

Spy on your competitors

Updating yourself on competitor’s activities is another way of getting more organic traffic. Observe and scrutinize their marketing strategies to see what is working for them. Besides spying on their content marketing methods, you should also check on their social media to explore their link-building or earning techniques. One way to achieve this is to set you up to get notifications whenever competitors publish new content on their site. Follow them on their social media or subscribe to their email newsletters. You can also create a Google alert for the keyword to catch up with their new content is to create a Google alert for the keyword “site:”

Build Backlinks

Knowing when and what backlinks your competitors are building or earning, helps you to replicate their best backlinks. Understanding their methods to get backlinks puts you in a better position to cut through the stiff competition. There are SEO tools, dedicated to spying. One of them which I always use is called Monitor Backlinks. With this tool, you can add your four most important competitors. Once activated, you’ll be getting weekly reports with all the new links they have acquired. The tool also gives you more insights about these links allowing you to sort them out according to their SEO value. You determine new link-building opportunities using this technique. 

Build internal links

To make your blog successful internal links play a big role. They are used to pass link juice using your anchor texts. Users can easily navigate through your website if your internal linking structure is good. The overall user experience is also improved. Fortunately, there are effective tools used to automatically create internal links on your blog. This is especially so if you are running a WordPress website.

Build Backlinks

Promote your content

You can have unique and quality content but if you are not promoting it, you won’t get you backlinks. This also has to be done correctly. To promote your best article, you need to use email outreach to promote your best articles. The best way to do this is to contact bloggers or websites running weekly or monthly pull-outs. You can also use Google queries like “keyword + roundup.” Indicate the period to get results only from the past week or month.

Build Backlinks

The next thing is to contact webmasters to quickly introduce your website to them. You can attach your best tutorials or guides to the message and if it’s useful to them, they may decide to link back to you. Since bloggers are always hunting for great content, they will want to hear you out. If you choose the other techniques, maintaining etiquette by refraining yourself from asking for links directly.

Write testimonials

Backlinks can also be acquired by writing testimonials for websites you are using. The beauty of this method is that it very fast and only takes a few minutes to earn a link from the homepage of an authoritative website. You can get links in exchange for your testimonials, as long as you are a loyal customer. The best way to do this is to mention the tools you’ve already used or you are currently using.

Build Backlinks

Contact journalists and important bloggers

Spreading the word about your business is the best method to get links to your website. To do this, try reaching out to journalists and influencers from your niche using emails. The hard part is to find their email addresses this doesn’t mean that you give up. You can easily acquire dozens of emails using this method:

Since the majority of the email addresses at publications are formatted like this: or or, you can try sending your pitch to these emails directly. If this method doesn’t yield any fruits, you can use tools like Voila Norbert, or This is done by entering the name of the person you are trying to reach and the website they are working for and you will easily get their email addresses. An alternative method is to send your message using social media, with Google Plus or LinkedIn.


As I mentioned, backlinks are cherished by Google as a ranking factor, you should, therefore, use the possible techniques to gain them. Whatever you do, don’t try to buy backlinks as they are viewed as black hat SEO techniques. This may get you penalized or your website may be scrapped altogether. These techniques are legit and are bound to give you results. Try them to see what works for you.

Also, read about Link Building with Outreach.

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  1. This is terrific post. I´ve been thinking of starting a blog on this topic myself.

    Best regards,
    Lunding Dencker

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