Last updated - October 9, 2020
Cloudways has earned the status of being one of the most reliable and secured managed hosting solution.
It brings cloud providers like DigitalOcean, Linode, VULTR, Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, and Kyup at one place to choose from.
Want to read the full review of cloudways?
Read it here: Cloudways: For Fast WooCommerce Hosting
Now, there’s a chance for you to win $40 hosting credit from cloudways. Top 5 winners with the highest number of points would get a chance to win $40 each.
What are the ways of earning points?
1. Visit LearnWoo.
2. Like us on Facebook.
3. Share the contest on Twitter.
4. Sign Up for the contest.
5. Answer a question.
So, what are you waiting for? Enter the contest and win this Cloudways Giveaway!
Contest by Rewards Fuel.
Fingers crossed!