Demand Generation and The Importance of Investing In Customer Relationships

banner image depicting customer relationships and loyalty

Last updated - October 14, 2022

Demand generation is a branch of online marketing that involves the implementation of marketing methods that promote interest in and visibility of a company’s products or services, which are often published on a website.

A meeting point between customers and sellers that encourages purchases, registrations, downloads, product trials, opinion generation, or any other interest that marketers may have is what it is all about in this case.

The notion can be summarized as follows: it is the marriage of marketing programs with structured sales procedures, with the goal of removing all possible barriers to interaction between bidders and demanders.

There are various components to a demand generation process that varies based on the size and complexity of a transaction; some of these components are as follows: 

  • The fact that the product exists is known or recognized.
  • Product positioning and relevance in search engines are important considerations.
  • Support for the validation of items and the production of opinions about them.

To expand and achieve long-term results in demand generation, approaches such as Inbound Marketing have proved how successful it is to establish a strong relationship with consumers and users by putting them at the core of the strategy and putting them at the heart of the plan itself.

Specifically, in this article, we will provide you with some pointers on how to establish and strengthen these relationships, both with existing clients and with new consumers.

Why is it worth investing in customer relationships?

First and foremost, we must recognize that the user has changed. These days, they favor businesses that provide them with a positive experience, such as those that provide value, proximity, and personalization.

Furthermore, and perhaps most importantly, people want to connect with businesses that understand their challenges and requirements and can give them practical and effective solutions.

Actions to improve your relationship with current customers

Here are some actions that you can consider to improve customer relationships.

Create content exclusively for your clients

Despite the fact that content marketing stands out as an excellent methodology for attracting buyers and creating audiences, the reality is that it also contributes to the development of customer loyalty and the improvement of customer relations.

An indicative image showing personalized content for demand generation

Through this method, you may send materials and messages that add value to the relationship and place useful information in the hands of the consumer, allowing them to make better use of the product and address specific problems more effectively. In particular, content aimed at maintaining clients should be close to the customer, tailored, and really useful.

Develop loyalty programs

Despite the fact that we have concentrated on modern marketing ideas, this classic method is still effective, and it excels at improving both customer relationships and the completion of transactions.

Examples of typical rewards for new purchases include discounts and “two for the price of one” offers, as well as other incentives. One of the most well-known strategies used by these programs is the accumulation of points through purchases, which can then be redeemed for rewards and free things or services.

A representative image of loyalty program for demand generation

In this manner, you are not only promoting new purchases, but you are also letting the customer know that you value their business and are searching for ways to benefit them. As a result, you want them to continue to have a long-term connection with your company.

Help your customers with structural problems

This is especially critical if you are in the B2B sector. It is acceptable to go beyond your core responsibilities if you are providing a service to another company with the goal of optimizing certain areas. For example, if you are providing a service to another company in order to help them optimize certain areas, do not hesitate to provide advice and consulting services that assist your customers in solving structural problems.

Last but not least, it is important to you that the other firm does well in general, as this will ensure that it has the financial resources to renew contracts and make new purchases.

As an illustration, consider the case of an e-commerce software business that discovers in one of its customers a difficulty in establishing product prices. This is an example of proactive action.

Optimize customer service and support

Years ago, businesses of all sizes, particularly large ones, recognized the value of having certain departments or services in place.

You must, however, go a step further and maximize these parts of customer service in order for it to translate into strong relationships. This includes assuring constant follow-up and support to your consumers, in addition to personalization and effectiveness.

Actions to improve your relationship with potential customers

These points should help you deal with prospective customers.

Produce and disseminate interactive content

These materials, in addition to being extremely instructional and explanatory, help to improve the User Experience (UX). In the first few contacts with your business, if you can make a user feel comfortable and even capture them, the odds of converting them and developing a long-term relationship are extremely high.

Expand the functions of your products

This aspect is critical in terms of building connections, increasing attractiveness, and, most importantly, being a viable business choice in a variety of situations, including those of economic crisis.

A health insurance company that expanded its services and incorporated video consultations, for example, had a significant competitive edge over those that kept a more traditional approach throughout the confinement era, as an example. As a result, they piqued the interest of new users and helped them understand that accommodating people’s demands is an important element of their core beliefs.

Offer free demos

This is essential in order to establish a relationship with the user without requiring them to make a purchase. At the same time, a free trial is an excellent method for laying the groundwork for a successful sales close.

Many companies already do this as part of their freemium business model, which allows them to track and analyze user activity on their platform as they interact with it.

Position yourself on current topics of interest to your target audience

If your brand truly possesses authority on particular topics, both in its field of expertise and in themes that are currently trending locally and internationally, users will feel more at ease in building a relationship with your brand.

Do not be afraid to use SEO and Content Marketing best practices to establish yourself as a resource and expert in your chosen fields, which will also assist you in attracting a large number of followers.

So you can attract users to your website who will eventually fill out your forms and opt-in to get your newsletter, where you can nurture them with relevant information while they are deciding whether or not to purchase your product.

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