Export WooCommerce Orders to XML & CSV using WP All Export

You may need to export WooCommerce order data for different purposes. This could be to make it accessible for a third party tool such as a fulfillment solution or accounting software. Or, you may want to use it to generate some specific analytics reports. Whatever the requirement, you need a plugin to effectively export WooCommerce order data. In this review, we will demonstrate how you can use WP All Export to export WooCommerce orders to XML or CSV.

WP All Export WooCommerce Order Export – An Overview

WP All Export offers an option to effortlessly export WooCommerce order data from your store. It offers a drag and drop interface that will help you create CSV, Excel, or XML feeds of your orders. The export data is comprehensive and includes fields from the order, customer, items, shipping and tax details tables, as well as custom fields and fields from any WooCommerce add-ons or plugins. You can apply filters to all these fields including order status, geographic location, date range, etc., to customize the export files.

Feature highlights

Here are some of the standout features of this plugin:

Comprehensive export tool

This is a comprehensive tool that allows you to export all data related to orders in any way. While configuring the export, you can selectively include the data to be exported.

Customize export files

The order export tool has a drag and drop interface that lets you customize the export files by rearranging columns and combining data fields according to requirements. It even allows you to build custom fields based on conditional logic and formulas using PHP.

Suitable for all requirements

The tool can be used to create simple data feeds as well as really complex hand-coded XML feeds.

Handle large volumes of data

The plugin is comfortable handling large volumes of data. There are no limits on how much data you can export because large exports are broken down into smaller batches where you control the number of records per batch. You can also split exports into multiple files.

Easily filter data

You can make use of the powerful filters available with the tool to filter the export data. Some of the options are Nesting Filters, Relative Date Filters, and advanced filtering with PHP.

Automatic exports

You can set export schedules to create order exports automatically. For this, you can make use of the Automatic Scheduling options or the Manual Scheduling option through Cron Jobs.

Data can be used for import

You can easily make changes to the data, and then import it back to your WordPress site, if you have WP All Import. Or, you can move the data to another WordPress site.

Supports WPML

The plugin supports WPML, and translating export data is not a hassle at all.

Developer friendly

The tool lets you create custom export columns using PHP. You can also get assistance from the detailed documentation and powerful developer API.

How to set up WP All Export to export WooCommerce order data?

To be able to export WooCommerce orders, you will need the WP All Export Plugin and WooCommerce Export Add-on. Here we will look at the steps involved to export WooCommerce order data.

Step 1: Choose a specific post type

First, choose Specific Post Type. There are different post types available with the plugin; for this example, we will choose WooCommerce Orders from the dropdown.

Now the plugin will show the number of available orders for export.

Step 2: Apply filtering options

Filtering options will let you export only a specific set of orders than exporting all the orders on your site. The plugin offers a lot of options to filter orders.

The filtering options are simple. You can select an Element, select a Rule and then add a Value.

For example, if you want to export only orders placed after a specific date, you can manage with the below rule:

  • Element – “Order date”
  • Rule – “Equal to or newer than”
  • Value – “01/01/2019”

This rule will filter orders placed after January, 2019.

You can choose a wide range of elements to filter from different aspects of the Order, Customer, Items, Custom Fields, etc.

AND/OR operators are available to specify how the rules will be applied when multiple rules are present. Also, there is an option to drag and drop rules to change the priority.

Click Customize Export File to go to the next step.

Step 3: Specify the columns to be included in your order export file

After filtering the products you want to include in the order export file, you can specify the columns to be exported from the store data. The Available Data is organized into different sections on the right side. Clicking these sections will reveal all the data available to export. Simply drag the data you want to include in the file to the field on the left side. You can selectively include every bit of WooCommerce order data in this manner.

For this example, we will add Order ID, Shipping phone number, and Shipping first name.

Customizing export columns

An interesting feature of the plugin is its capability to let you merge different data into single fields. For example, instead of adding just the Shipping first name in one column, you can add both Shipping First Name and Last name in the same column. Here is how:

Click the Add Field button to open a popup ‘Add field to Export’.

Now specify a column name, check the radio button for ‘Custom export field’, and drag Shipping First Name and Shipping Last Name into the field.

Click the Save button.

Now, instead of Shipping First name, the export file will have a new column Shipping name, which will have both the first name and last name from the Shipping address field details of the order.

Click the Continue button.

Step 4: Set scheduling options

In the next step, you can choose export schedules. There are three options available:

  • Do not schedule
  • Automatic Scheduling
  • Manual Scheduling

If you choose Automatic Scheduling, you can choose the day of the week, the number of times you want to run the export, and also the time and time zone.

For Manual Scheduling, you have to add the Trigger URL and the Processing URL.

Step 5: Set Advanced Options

In the Advanced Options section, WP All Export plugin lets you specify how many records to be processed in each iteration. The default number is 50, however, you can change this as per needs.

The other options available in this section are as follows:

  • Only export Orders once
  • Only export Orders that have been modified since last export
  • Include BOM in export file
  • Create a new file each time export is run
  • Split large exports into multiple files
  • Allow non-admins to run this export in Client Mode

You can enable these advanced options according to your store’s specific requirements.

Step 6: Run the Export

Once the settings are configured, you can click the Confirm & Run Export button. When the Export is complete, you can download the file, set scheduling options, integrate with third party apps, or import using WP All Import.

WP All Export Pricing

Here are the pricing details of WP All Export

PlanCost in $ (one-time)Main Features
WooCommerce Export Package149Export Pro
WooCommerce Export Add-on
Lifetime Support and Updates
WooCommerce Pro Package199Export Pro
Import Pro
WooCommerce Export and Import Add-ons
Lifetime Support and Updates
Import + Export Pro Package299Export Pro
Import Pro
Export and import add-ons of WooCommerce, ACF, and Users
Import add-ons for Gravity Forms and Types
Lifetime Support and Updates
WP All Export Pricing Table

What do we think about WP All Export?

WP All Export offers a user-friendly option to export WooCommerce order data from your store. The intuitive drag and drop interface is a pleasure to work with and helps you customize the order data file effortlessly. The filtering options will come in handy when you want specific data for accounting or analytics purposes. The feature-rich plugin will be comfortable for both beginners and expert users alike.

We hope this review has given you a better perspective on how you can use the WP All Export plugin to export WooCommerce orders to XML or CSV. Please leave us a comment if you have any questions regarding the tool.

Further reading