Last updated - September 21, 2022
In the past few years, eCommerce has grown by leaps and bounds. It is one of the biggest industries in the world today as it has become necessary for most businesses to have an online presence.
eCommerce is still growing at a fast pace as there are more than 3 million e-commerce websites in the world today. And there are many reasons to believe that the industry will continue to grow at an exponential rate for years to come.
Top Future eCommerce Trends
The future of eCommerce lies in automation. The automation of eCommerce is the next step in how we develop our eCommerce store.
In the past, eCommerce was a manual process that required human involvement to run a successful business. As technology evolved, it became more efficient and automated. E-commerce has grown to a point where it can function automatically. This automation enables businesses to create more products, manage their inventory, and deliver a better customer experience.
Automation also enables retailers to leverage their data for analytics and marketing purposes, which will help them increase their sales and build deeper relationships with customers.
The automation of eCommerce allows companies to save money by not having to hire employees or outsource tasks that are repetitive or time-consuming. It also encourages businesses to grow faster because they can scale up without having to worry about hiring new employees or finding additional resources.
Automation reduces friction and increases efficiency by reducing mistakes and streamlining processes so they work more effectively for all involved parties – from customers who get what they ordered quickly, to vendors who can sell their products more frequently with less effort, and even employees who have greater control over their time spent on tasks that don’t require much thought or decision making (such as answering emails).
Voice Commerce
Voice Commerce is the next step in eCommerce. It’s a new way of talking to customers where they can speak to you and you’ll be able to hear them.
Voice commerce is software that allows you to make payments and order products without even touching your phone or computer. You can use voice commands or speech recognition technology to talk with your voice assistant (like Siri or Google Assistant) to order goods or make payments.
Amazon Echo and Google Home are the most popular voice assistants out there right now, but that doesn’t mean they’re the only ones available. You can also use Alexa on iOS devices or Samsung Bixby on Android devices.
Voice assistants are becoming more popular because people like using them for everyday tasks like turning on lights or making calls. It also gives companies another way of reaching out and connecting with customers who are already using them on their phones, but want a more hands-free experience when shopping online.
When you use voice commerce in this way, it allows you to skip the need for typing in your credit card information or logging into an eCommerce site. It also puts the power back into the hands of consumers who want more control over their shopping experiences and don’t want to be interrupted by long forms or confusing interfaces that take too long to complete.
Social selling
Social Selling is defined as “the practice of creating a dialogue or conversation with your customers.” It’s not just about sharing content and engaging with your audience, but also allowing them to buy from you directly.
Ecommerce businesses have been using social media to drive traffic to their websites for years, but this type of engagement has mostly been relegated to Facebook and Instagram. Today, social shopping is gaining more traction through tools like Facebook Marketplace and Pinterest Product Search and more recently through Snapchat Discover.
In fact, according to a study by Forrester Research, as many as 50% of consumers are planning to purchase from brands they follow on social media. This means brands will have more opportunities to earn sales by interacting directly with their customers via these platforms than ever before.
Social media is a great way for businesses to connect with their customers and build trust. Social media can be used to tell your story, share your products and services, and make it easy for customers to contact you directly.
Social selling allows you to make more sales by reaching out to people who may not be in your target audience yet but could become interested in what you have to offer. By using social selling tactics, you can also reach out to people who are interested in your product or service but aren’t ready to make a purchase yet.
B2B eCommerce
B2B eCommerce is a growing segment of the market, and it’s where the money is.
It’s also where many eCommerce stores struggle. Many start-ups don’t know what they’re doing, and it takes time to build a brand that people trust. To be successful, you’ll need to invest in marketing and product development.
You also need a strategy that works with your budget, as well as an understanding of how to get customers to buy from you rather than your competitors.
The good news is that there are plenty of ways to make money online with B2B eCommerce but first, you have to find out what kind of business model will work best for your company.
Personalized Payments and Online Checkouts
Personalized payments and online checkouts are the future of eCommerce. They will make shopping faster, easier, and more secure than ever.
Personalized payment methods are already available at many retail stores, including Amazon, Starbucks, and Apple. They allow customers to pay for items directly from their smartphones by scanning a code on the product packaging, or through a mobile app that allows customers to make purchases without having to enter a credit card number.
Personalized payments will become more common as retailers start to understand how to use data to make their products more appealing to different buyers. For example, if a shopper buys a $20 pair of pants but then also buys another $50 pair of pants, retailers can now intelligently sell those two items together, knowing that they’re likely related.
At the same time, online checkouts are becoming more sophisticated as well. All retail transactions are moving toward digital experiences with fewer steps, faster checkout times, and improved security.
Online checkouts are similar to personal payments in that they allow customers to pay for items by scanning a barcode or entering an online address or phone number. But unlike personal payments, online checkouts require customers to enter their credit card information as well as shipping address information (such as street address and zip code) before completing the transaction. This makes it possible for businesses to charge different rates for shipping based on location and other factors like weight or distance from home.
Wrapping Up
If you already have an eCommerce store then you would know the feeling of a need to do a hundred things but rarely got the time to do ten of them. And that’s why you must prioritize. There is no need to get along with every trend. You must be customer-focused, not market-focused or competition-focused, and feel like you must do what all other online store owners are doing.
Look at things from your customer’s perspective and then manage your store accordingly so that you can fulfill your customers’ expectations. So adapt to the eCommerce trends that your customers need the most because there won’t be a future for your business if you don’t meet your customers’ requirements right now.