Last updated - September 24, 2020
This is a review of GiveWP Square Plugin developed by APIExperts. This plugin lets users of your WordPress website pay for their donations using Square payment gateway through GiveWP. This means you get your favorite Payment Gateway with the best WordPress Donation Plugin!
Since GiveWP Square Plugin requires Free Give – Donation Plugin and Fundraising Platform, we’ll get to know a bit about the donation plugin.
Give – Donation Plugin and Fundraising Platform
- Released: July 14, 2015
- Current version: 2.0.6
- Total Active Installations: 40,000+
- Supports 14 languages
- Average Rating: 4.8/5
Give – Donation Plugin and Fundraising Platform tops the section of plugins which enables you to accept Donations and raise Funding for noble causes. This most downloaded donations plugin has a high rating. Even being a free plugin, it’s customer support is top notch. The plugin is highly optimized for online giving and fulfills all requirements for this.
This has changed the scene of accepting online donations. What happens is that you provide your audience with a customizable form. You can accept a wide range of charitable items by adding your preferred payment gateways and services. The plugin also helps you manage your donations, its reports, and donors.
Square in Numbers
- Started in 2009
- 7+ million Monthly Users collectively in USA, Canada, UK, Australia, and Japan (Now that is a huge number)
- Ranked #1 Finance App at Apple Store
Why GiveWP Square?
GiveWP Square Plugin was one of the most awaited combinations of WordPress. And that is because the market share and presence of Square as a payment method is on a dream run. People are loving the convenience offered by Square.
With the use of this integration, users willing to donate to your noble cause can use their Square Account. As you configure the GiveWP and add Square as one of the payment gateways, it appears on the donation forms you create in GiveWP.
Setting Up GiveWP Square Plugin
Before discussing that in detail, here are the things you need, before start accepting donations from all your Square users.
- Give – Donation Plugin and Fundraising Platform
- Account with Square
- SSL Certificated Website
- PHP version 5.5+
- WordPress 4.9+
- You must be accepting donations form U.S., Canada, Australia, Japan and the UK.
You can get the plugin by clicking on the link. To manually install the plugin go to Plugins> Add new> Upload Plugin on your website dashboard. Choose the zip file and activate it.
Once you are finished installing GiveWP Square plugin, you need to Go to GiveWP Donations settings as shown below.
As you can see, Square payment method is appearing alongside other pre-existing payment gateways. Moving to settings, you need to click on Donations followed by settings. This will take you the above interface. Now Click on Payment Gateways > Gateways and move to Enabled Gateways to enable Square as one of the payment Gateways.
Once you enable this, the users will be able to see the Square payment method on forms you will create for donations in all of GiveWP Donations.
Setting Up Square Payment Gateway
In this section, you get options to switch between Test and Live Mode. Further, you can choose to add a billing section to the donation form from here.
To test the workability of Square API Integration with GiveWP, you need to enter the Application Id, Test Token, and Test Location Id. As soon as you enter these credentials and publish the form, Square payment option is added to it. You can get these testing credentials here. For more information on Testing the plugin click here.
Similarly, you need to enter the Live Mode credentials to add your Square account and receive donations from a user chooses Square as the payment method on the form.
Individual Form Settings
The plugin enables you to configure Square payment method for individual pages too. It means you can choose if the particular form contains Square as a payment method or not. One thing that you should keep in mind is that once you set Square in the form level, the global Square settings will no longer be valid.
So make sure you do the correct set up for Square in the form level. To do so go to Donations> All Forms> Add Form> Square. You will be required to enter the credentials obtained from Square again in the boxes provided. Finally, Click on Update to apply the settings.
Form Page
In the form that appears to the users, you will find the Square Payment Method as one of the options. Once a user selects Square as the payment option, the form will automatically ask for credit card details. If the email address entered by the user is same as that of Square, credit card details are automatically populated in the boxes.
The Billing section appears only if you Enable Billing Details as discussed earlier.
Donation Page
As soon as the users click on Donate Now, they are shown a donation confirmation page which contains details of the user, amount, the method of payment and payment Id.
Admins can get access to it by clicking on the Donation Id in the Donations panel. You can do it by going to Donations > Donations > Donation Id. Once you click on the Donation Id, all details can be found.
Here is a video tutorial that guides you through the entire process.
About The Plugin
This Square payment method is available in its premium version only as of now. Single site licensing will cost you $59.00 per year. This entitles you to a year-long premium support and automatic updates. For any pre-sales queries contact their online support.
LearnWoo Offer
You can get the single site license of this plugin at 20% off. Grab this amazing deal by purchasing the plugin before 31st May’18. Get your coupon code here.
Winding Up
If you are working for a noble cause and want your users to contribute to it, get the Give Donations Plugin. And to maximize your reach add GiveWP Square Plugin, which will enable the users with Square accounts to donate in a convenient way. Basically by adding a quality payment gateway like Square will add legitimacy to your noble efforts. Adding square will bring the trust people have of the payment gateway. The success of your donation campaigns depends a lot on what people think about its authenticity.
So adding the plugin in discussion to your GiveWP donation forms brings trust, sense of security and validity to your donation campaign. If you have not installed GiveWP donations yet, add it to your site and integrate it to GiveWP Square Plugin to launch a full-fledged donation campaign. In case of queries reach us through the comments section below.