8 Ways to Prevent Parcel Package Theft: Trends in Ecommerce Shipping

Package Theft

Last updated - September 24, 2021

Online selling has been trending globally in recent years. During the pandemic, more people preferred ordering whatever they needed online rather than walking into shops. This increased the number of parcels that businesses dispatched to their customers in different locations daily.

However, this also opened opportunities for parcel theft. According to Clutch, more than half of online shoppers didn’t receive at least one of their ordered packages in 2019. Further research revealed that a high number of them lost parcels in the mail. Only a few online shoppers lost parcels after delivery.

The next step for the eCommerce industry is finding lasting solutions to parcel theft. There’s a need to make the post box online shopping safe to attract more shoppers. So, this article will look into ways businesses and individuals can ensure the safe delivery of parcel boxes.

Soure: Pixabay

Let’s get started.

Get Lockboxes for your Home

Having a lockable parcel box in your home should be one of the first things to do. It is also the easiest and most hassle-free way to secure the parcels delivered to your home. A lockable home parcel box helps reduce the chances of parcel loss after delivery to your home.

The people who do home box delivery in the UK have training on lockable boxes. Do not forget to leave the parcel box open for them or issue them with a code that they can use to unlock it. They’ll pop in the package and lock the box before they leave. This guarantees you the safety of your parcel. 

The good news is that installing an outdoor security drop box in a home is easy today. Many companies make and sell home parcel boxes that you can mount on walls or install any other way. It would be best if you considered buying one for your home to ensure the security of your parcels.

A security box for parcels is an essential thing for every home these days. With the surging statistics of lost parcels, one should consider the safety of their packages. Installing a secure, lockable parcel box is putting a robust first line of defense for your parcels. So, head on to a lockbox shop and buy one for your home.

Schedule Packages to Arrive When You’re Home

You can also choose when a parcel can get delivered to your home. This can be an excellent option if you do not have a security box for home. Submit your orders on days that you will be available to receive the package. Depending on the carrier, you can reroute or delay packages to fit your schedule.

Besides, you can track your home delivery parcel right from dispatch to delivery. This can help you be home on time to receive your package without a secure delivery box. But then, you can save yourself all the hassle if you can buy a security box for home. This will guarantee the safety of your packages when you’re away from home.

Install a Front Door Security Camera or Video Doorbell

Letting porch pirates know that you are watching can help prevent parcel theft. According to research, homes with security cameras have as much as 300% fewer chances of theft. Thus, installing security cameras on your door to discourage any theft attempts on your parcel box should be prioritized.

But then, you’ll still need a security system even with a lockable parcel delivery box at home. This is because an outdoor security box can also get compromised. The quality and brand of the parcel box also come to play. You can check out as many brands as possible before buying an outdoor security box.

Add Delivery Instructions

Source: Pixabay

You can also increase the safety of your home parcels by adding delivery instructions to the parcel package. Mainly, delivery instructions get added on ordering an item. You can, for instance, ask them not to leave the parcel in the parcel box. They can place it by a side door, for example, to kind of hide it.

Thus, it would help to look for the ‘Add Delivery Instructions’ option before checking out your post box online shopping. This is to ensure that you don’t forget to add any additional home delivery parcel instructions. Most carriers are flexible and prioritize your package’s security, and will implement the instructions.

Regularly Evaluate the Security of Your Home

A brief check on your home’s security is an essential thing to do. For instance, it can be challenging to know if your parcel box has a problem if you don’t use it regularly. Before ordering items, check the parcel box to confirm if it is working well. If it is a lockable parcel box, verify if the locks are working.

It would be best if you repeated this every time you are anticipating a parcel delivery. If you find out that the secure box isn’t working, have it repaired. You can also ask for a change of delivery dates to have your parcel delivered when it’s safe to do so.  As mentioned earlier, additional delivery instructions can help too.

Require a Signature

Another great option to consider here is to make your signature a requirement upon parcel delivery. It is a feature that most carriers provide to ensure the security of parcels. You can consider it if you do not trust the security of your home or haven’t installed a security box for home.

By adding this requirement, the person delivering the parcel won’t leave it unattended. This can also be an excellent option for you if you do not have a secure delivery box. Besides, you may need this feature for precious items that are likely to attract prying eyes. With it, you won’t suffer any loss due to theft.

How can eCommerce Stores Protect Parcels From Theft

There are various delivery options that eCommerce stores are using to prevent parcel theft. For example, some require mandatory signatures on delivery. In addition to these signatures, some companies like DHL Proview and FedEx Mobile Solutions send delivery alerts to customers.

Another option has been delivering parcels to work. You can also request delivery to a friend’s house if the delivery company offers this option. Major carriers like UPS and FedEx also use shipping insurance to prevent losses caused by eCommerce password theft. You can check out some of the ELEX shipping plugins for seamless integration with popular shipping carriers.


Package theft, as discussed earlier, is a growing concern for businesses today. There’s a need to ensure that parcels sent to homes by companies and individuals get delivered and remain safe. One of the best ways to protect packages once they get delivered is by installing a lockable parcel drop box.

However, there are other ways to enhance the parcel package’s security. You can install a secure delivery box in your home to prevent unauthorized people from accessing parcels after delivery. The good thing is that you can buy a lockable parcel box that won’t get broken into easily. 

It is also advisable to install security cameras around your home. This will help keep people away from your parcel drop box for fear of getting captured through the camera. A large wall mounted post box will also be a great option so that you don’t have a problem with heavy parcel delivery.

Further reading