Tidio Live Chat – Much more than a live chat service!

Tidio Live Chat

Last updated - July 17, 2023

Tidio Live Chat is a plugin specifically designed for the WordPress community. In this article, I shall review this awesome WordPress live chat plugin and hope this helps you decide whether you need this plugin or not. It is much more than just a live chat plugin. It offers marketing automation too!

Why do we need to offer live chat to customers?

You have a support ticketing system, you have a ‘contact us‘ section, you have even allowed your customers to contact you via social media. Now, why do you need another mode of communication?

Live chat is an absolutely necessary tool for a startup. It’s not just a tool to help your customers, it’s a tool to attract visitors, convert them into leads, followed by customers and further delight them down the road.

Thus, when you look for a live chat plugin, make sure to go through all its features and try to answer the following questions. Can it help me attract visitors? Will it let me engage my visitors into conversation? Will it help me convert my visitors into customers? How will it manage my visitors when I am busy?

What does the free version offer?

Tidio Live Chat

If what you are looking for is the basic livechat functionality and would be fine with 3 users, then you can stick to the free version.
Right after installing and activating the plugin, you are required to create an account in Tidio. But, for the livechat featute no signup is required, activating the account is all that is needed to get you started with.
Once that’s done, you are ready to go and do the following –

  1. You can enable email notification when a visitor pings.
  2. You can ban visitors. The visitors you ban won’t be able to chat with you. You can view the banned visitors list in the settings page. From there, you can choose to remove users from the banned list.
  3. You can track and manage events which need to be tracked. The event options available are – User logged in, User Registered, Filled in email form, Contact page visited, Liked on Facebook, Unlike on Facebook, User Forgot Password.
  4. Desktop and Mobile Apps available.
Tidio Live Chat
  1. You can track your visitors. In order to identify users, you would have to insert the Tidio chat code snippet into your website. Doing so would connect your website with the Tidio API. For a complete developer’s guide and access other code snippets, check this documentation.
  2. Directly start conversation with a visitor of your site. You can even choose to change the greetings text from time to time.
  3. Customization with the look of the chat box. Tidio gives you a number of options in this regards. The conversation interface has two theme options – Modern and Business. You can change the color, title and status of the widget. You can choose to have a different button text and style for mobile devices. You even get an option to enable the sidebar for giving a better visibility to your customers.
Tidio Live Chat
  1. In case you are not online, you can use an offline form for your customers to leave their message, which would be directly delivered to your mail. Or else you can choose to completely hide the chat option when you are offline.
  2. Incase your visitors leave you site, you can choose to leave them a message in their mail.
  3. It has an easy integration with a number of top plugins like Zendesk, Mailchimp, SalesForce etc.
  4. You can enable and select the fields for a pre-chat survey.
  5. It has support for a number of languages. The best part is that, the multilingual options are available right within the plugin dashboard. In case your desired language is not supported, you can always contact them and they would help you out.
  6. Integration with Facebook messenger and some other third-party integration too are available.
Tidio Live Chat
  1. Analytics is available to give you a complete overview of every activity related to operators and chats.
  2. You can choose to send reports to a particular email id everyday, every 3 days, once a week or even once a month.
  3. You can customize the notification sounds.
  4. You can setup a “Do Not Disturb” mode too. (Though I can’t figure out why would a store want to do that to its customers)
  5. An easy to use conversation dashboard.
  6. Easy up-gradation to the premium version.

What more does the premium version offer?

Tidio Chat is free for lifetime. Right after activating the plugin, you would get access to all the premium features for 7 days. At the end of the 7 days trial period, you can choose to continue using the premium version or downgrade to free version.
Tidio has two levels of premium versionCommunicator and Automation
Communicator would give you the following extra features –
1. Live typing – With this feature, you can see what the visitor is typing even before he hits the send button
2. Live visitor’s list – In the plugin’s admin panel, you can see the list of people currently visiting your site. The list would give you details on your visitor’s country, browser and the page they are currently in.

Tidio Live Chat

With $15/month, you get to add 3 operators. But, you can add more number of operators by paying $10 per operator.

The communicator version has some more features like the option to export data of the leads from chat panel to a CSV file.

Further, if you have a subscription of at least $25 i.e at least 4 operators, then you get the option to remove the ‘powered by Tidio Chat’ branding.

Automation would have the following features –
1. Recovery of Abandoned cart – Sure there are several plugins to help you recover abandoned cart, but why would you use another if you get this feature with a live chat plugin.
2. Reward returning customers by greeting them with customized messages and discounts – This is one of the interesting feature and a good way of making your product sell and prevent your visitors from leaving your site and instead converting them into customers.

Tidio Live Chat

3. Using automated replies when you are either busy or unavailable – This is a significant live chat feature.
4. Sending customized welcome messages to visitors who visits your store for the first time – It’s a good gesture to greet your first time visitors differently and convert them into leads.

Tidio Live Chat

Automation is the reason I have labelled “Tidio” as a live chat plugin which is much more than a live chat plugin. Automation in Tidio gives your website the final marketing touch. These features are not usually seen in a live chat plugin and this makes Tidio stands out.

Thus, with Tidio once installed, you have a number of aspects of your business figured out. It would save you from installing different plugin for “Abandoned cart Recovery” and “popup discount”.

Solve up to 70% of customer problems with Lyro AI. Lyro is a conversational AI that talks to your customers and offers personalized assistance, just like a human agent. Lyro learns from your FAQs in seconds and formulates complex answers to solve your customers’ problems. The AI stays within the boundaries of your knowledge base, and you can update its information at any time. Lyro is easy to implement and doesn’t require training.

You can activate the AI in under 3 minutes, as well as try this out with 50 free AI-driven conversations

Concluding Thoughts

Tidio does stand out from most of the available options you get for a live chat plugin. Especially its free version offers much more than you can find in any other free live chat tool. A peak at it’s WordPress rating would say it all –

Tidio Live Chat

If you plan to purchase the plugin, check the pricing page of Tidio!


  1. Hiu Thanks for this article. Can we remove or hide POWERED BY Tiddo? if yes please let me know How can I do this?

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