Last updated - July 8, 2021
Monitoring the performance of your online store is an essential aspect when you’re running an online store. WooCommerce provides ample resources built in for store owners to regularly monitor growth. In this article, we will look into the various aspects of Reporting in WooCommerce.
Firstly, on the admin panel, you need to navigate to WooCommerce → Reports.
Order Reports
The Orders tab is displayed by default when you navigate to Reports. The Orders tab has four options to view reports. They are:
Sales by:
- Date
- Product
- Category
- Coupons by date
Please note, under this section, the sale numbers are taken only from those orders marked ‘Completed’, ‘Processing’, or ‘On Hold’.
Now let’s look into each of these reports in detail.
Sales by Date
This section gives you an idea of the current performance of your site with specific sale points on the left and the graphical representation of the center. Different sales points are plotted in different colors and hover the cursor around the point to see the exact figure.
You can specify the time period to view each of these reports as well. The available time period options are ‘Year’, ‘Last Month’, ‘This Month’ and ‘Last 7 Days’.
In addition, there is an option to set a custom date as well.
Sales by product
Like Sales by product, this section gives information on the sales of specific products. As seen before, you can filter the data by ‘Year’, ‘Last Month’, ‘This Month’ and ‘Last 7 Days’, or custom date.
Select any product listed in your store to view the statistics. Data for top sellers, freebies, and earners can be accessed separately.
Sales by category
Similar to product data, you can choose the sales statistics of specific categories as well. Choose a time period to view the data in that range.
Coupons by date
This section gives you details on total discounts, the number of coupons used, most popular coupon and the one giving the highest discount. As in other cases, you can filter the data according to the suitable time range.
Customer Reports
Customer reports show two types of data: Customers vs. Guests, and Customer List. the first one shows data from registered and non-registered customers on the store. The second one shows data only from registered customers. Filters can be applied as in the previous cases.
Stock Reports
As the name indicates, stock reports give you an idea of the actual stock available in your store. You can view a list of Most Stocked, Low in stock and Out of stock products using these reports.
Exporting CSV
You can export Order reports and Customer Reports using the Export CSV button on far right. Please remember this button is visible only on browsers that support ‘download’ property.
Resetting Reports
If you have made test purchases while setting up your store, you may not want them to show up in your reports. In order to reset reports, you have to delete all prior sales orders and delete them permanently from your ‘Trash’ folder as well. Then, you have to clear the cache folder of your browser as well.
You must’ve got a basic idea of WooCommerce Reports from this article. WooCommerce docs have a video tutorial on the same.