Last updated - September 8, 2020
This article is part of Payment Gateway Integration Guide:
- Setting up Core Payment Gateway Options
- An overview of core payment options in WooCommerce
- Payment Gateway extensions in WooCommerce
- Choosing the right payment gateway
- Setting up free extensions
- Setting up PayPal Powered by Braintree (current article)
- Configuring Stripe Payment Gateway
PayPal Powered by Braintree is a free plugin available in WooCommerce. It allows your customers to pay either using credit/debit cards or through their PayPal account. With the help of a concept called Hosted fields, Braintree makes sure the essential security requirements for online transactions are met without affecting your site’s checkout flow.
What are Hosted Fields?
Hosted fields are transparent iframes (inline frames – a type of HTML tagging that helps to embed one HTML document in another) that collect user input to compose a credit card entry. These Hosted Fields replace the sensitive credit card inputs in your checkout flow – helping you comply to the latest PCI data security requirements, and at the same time making sure the visual flow on the front-end of your store is intact.
Setting up PayPal Powered by Braintree
PayPal Powered by Braintree is a separate plugin and not part of the default payment gateway package that WooCommerce offers. You need to install the plugin to be able to use it. If you have used the Setup Wizard at the start, there is a chance that you might’ve already installed this. Check the list of installed plugins first. If you can’t find this plugin in the installed plugins list, you’ll have to manually search and install it.
Let’s go through the entire procedure of installing and setting up PayPal powered by Braintree:
On the admin panel, go to:
Plugins → Add New
On the search field, type ‘PayPal powered by Braintree,’ and hit Enter. You’ll find the plugin developed by Woothemes. Click Install Now button, followed by Activate button.
Once the Plugin is activated, you can see it as an option in the Checkout Settings. To access the checkout settings, go to:
WooCommerce → Settings → Checkout → PayPal Powered by Braintree
Click ‘PayPal Powered by Braintree’ to go to the settings page (see the page overview on the below screenshot.)
You can click the ‘Learn more’ link on the top to read a few tips before starting.
The first step in the process is registering on Braintree site to enable the payment gateway. Click Connect with Braintree to start the integration. This will take you to the Braintree site, where you will have to enter the login details if you have an existing account with Braintree. Else, you need to register on the site. Once the registration is complete, you will be connected to Braintree.
If your store is not ready to accept live payments, you can use the link right below the button to enable sandbox mode.
In the next step, you can enable PayPal Powered by Braintree as a payment gateway for your store. You can tick the checkbox to enable and untick to disable.
You can give titles and descriptions for the payment options. The text you enter in these fields will be displayed on the front-end and help the customer in choosing the right option.
Capture checkbox, when ticked, enables to Capture charges immediately. If this checkbox is left unticked, there will be an authorization step before capturing the charge.
Debug checkbox, when ticked, enables debug messages to be sent to the WooCommerce System Status log.