Last updated - October 17, 2022
One of the most popular content management systems and web hosting providers on the internet, WordPress, manages over 455 million websites. This makes sense when you take into account the software’s limitless design options, a wide range of plugins, and simple-to-use web-building methods.
If you choose to use WordPress to host your website, however, you must make an effort to stay away from frequent WordPress design pitfalls when designing your website. People often make certain fatal mistakes that can cause their websites to fail. Your WordPress blog needs to look professional, user-friendly, adaptable to mobile devices, reliable, captivating, and attractive. Here are some tips and tricks on what to avoid when designing your website.
Using a Poor Color Theme
If it appears difficult to select the ideal color scheme, use specialized tools that can assist you in selecting secondary colors for your primary match. Avoid using too many colors on one website since it needs to have a cohesive, consistent, and attractive appearance. A website with excessive color or brightness will annoy visitors and cause them to leave. Always use one or two dominant colors on your website for better perception.
A Non-Responsive Website Layout
According to a survey, poor mobile responsiveness caused 40% of users to leave one website in search of a better experience on competitor websites. If your website is not responsive to mobile devices, visitors will become discouraged and leave. Use premium WordPress themes since they are completely responsive and well-suited to any contemporary device with any screen size.
There are several other concerns specific to mobile websites:
1. Finger-friendly mobile design must include clickable buttons with a size of at least 50 pixels and readable content. To avoid misclicks, make sure all the realizable elements are checked.
2. Attempt to speed up page loading on mobile devices and optimize picture size to prevent slow website loading.
3. Test how your website functions and appears on a mobile device before making it mobile-accessible.
WordPress themes from TemplateMonster are thoughtfully created using the mobile-first concept. They all appear well without interruption on tiny smartphone screens or lowering their quality.
Aspects of Poor Typography
Big, strong fonts make it feasible to communicate crucial information and set the mood of a website. Typography makes up 95% of site design, thus you must be careful in your selection and pay close attention to the widgets utilized in the WordPress theme sample. Consider these fundamental rules if you wish to alter the layout’s typeface and style to suit your needs:
1. Each line should include between 60 and 80 characters, including spaces.
2. Try to provide enough space around the text to ensure that it can be read on the page.
3. Any color that is brighter than #777777 should be avoided.
4. Avoid using fonts lower than 14px; instead, select 16–18px.
5. If you use custom fonts in the theme, keep in mind that some fonts are meant solely for prints, while others are made specifically for headlines and perform horribly at lower sizes.
6. When it comes to proper text alignment, left alignment is typically recommended.
Weak Visual Quality
Using compelling photographic content in web design is critical. High-quality product photos are recommended, especially for any e-commerce website. Avoid overly polished and artificial photos because they won’t have the intended impact on visitors.
A Profusion of Plugins
For every situation, there are over 55,000 WordPress plugins to choose from. But the more plugins you download, the more issues you can run into. Some of them can conflict with your theme and make your website load slowly. Therefore, before using any plugin, determine if you can accomplish your goals without it. Additionally, take into account the following points:
1. Verify the most recent update’s date. It is preferable to avoid using an app if it hasn’t received an update in two or more months.
2. Check to see if a plugin is supported by the developer.
3. A plugin must undergo testing on the most recent WordPress version. Your website might not work correctly with it if you are unsure of its compatibility.
4. After adding the plugin to your WordPress theme, remember to check out how it appears and functions.
Logo Sloppiness
Businesses need a blog as well as a logo because these are essential components of branding. Every client wants their logo to stand out and remain in customers’ minds. They request that designers enlarge it, but it is a designer’s responsibility to inform the client that users do not visit websites to admire beautiful logos. Additionally, your logo must be pixel-perfect to adhere to the theme-maker.
Size Issues
You are mistaken if you believe slider photos with larger sizes will convert better. Big slider photos are appropriate if you have a photography, design blog, or portfolio website because they represent your finished project. To obtain the ideal visual balance of a website, it is advised to utilize a smaller size. Additionally, uploading large-sized images can increase your load time, which will negatively affect SEO.
Optimum Spacing
Designing a website must be carefully planned and organized. That can be accomplished by leaving adequate white or blank space between widgets, photos, and other web page components. You can arrange all the widgets and content and provide a clear, logical flow for the user by using the following useful examples:
1. The material on your site is perceived better with adequate white space. Give the text room to breathe. Avoid overlapping the information and give each element enough white space.
2. Spacing is crucial, because, with the appropriate measuring, the link between various elements may be highlighted. For instance, the gap between the header and the post needs to be larger while the title, subtitles, and paragraphs of one text should be closer together.
3. Keep the spacing in check. Equal space from all sides should be provided for each widget. This will bring order and aid in bringing attention to the content, call to action, and other important factors.
Thanks to a robust Page Builder and other contemporary modules built-in, creating a consistent area with premium WordPress themes is simple and convenient. Using the tool, you can quickly change the spacing on the website to suit your needs.
Text with Low Contrast on Sliders
Although stylish and sleek, text with poor contrast is also unreadable and cumbersome. Sliders are designed to draw visitors’ attention to the blog’s primary subject, the items in the online store, or other important elements on the website. If the text is present in your slider photos, abide by the following guidelines:
1. White or another light color should be used for the text on the slider if the background is dark, and vice versa.
2. Place the text where it will be readable and apparent on the image. Background visual noise will obscure and degrade your text.
Don’t Be Too Creative
Is being creative bad? No, it’s ideal in every aspect of life, but an excess of creativity may have unfavorable effects and unpleasant results. Bold design choices are fine up to a point; the trick is figuring out where that point is. Extra inventiveness might ruin your design and degrade the user experience.
People will always seek out the simplest solutions to problems. The same guidelines apply to website design. Users will choose a website with an easy-to-use interface, responsiveness, and a clear, appealing overall appearance. They leave convoluted, cumbersome, intricate internet platforms that take forever to load. According to Google’s research, users like websites that appear familiar or extremely archetypal since they do not deviate from their expectations. Keep in mind the general format of blogs:
1. There is a header with a logo on the left.
2. The navigation menu is located in a header to the right.
3. There is a sidebar with a Call-to-Action section to the right.
4. In the body section, the major content is located on the left.
If you have made one or more of the aforementioned errors, you can quickly lose the audience’s interest. Although not necessary to be followed, the points above may help you optimize your WordPress website’s design and avoid frequent bottlenecks that impede your website from attaining the desired footfall and interest.