How to Add Affiliate Products to Your WooCommerce Store (with Video)

Affiliate marketing is the process of earning a commission by promoting someone else’s products. As an affiliate, you promote one or more of the merchant’s products to potential customers so that they make a purchase. And one way to promote these products is by driving traffic to your website’s shop page where you’ve hosted affiliate products, also known as external products.

A product page for an external product.

In this article, you’ll learn how to add external products to your WooCommerce store.

Adding External Products

To add an affiliate product to your store, head to Products > Add New.

  1. Provide the product details like name, description, category, and image.
  2. In the “Product data” field, select “External/Affiliate product” from the dropdown. Two new options will appear in the General tab: Product URL and Button text.
  3. In the “Product URL” field, provide the product’s affiliate link. You’ll find it in your affiliate program’s dashboard.
  4. Then, set a button text that will be shown on the product page.
  5. You can also provide the price details for the external product. However, this is not advised since the prices on the merchant’s page may change and mismatch with those on your website.
Providing the affiliate link and button text for the external product.

When you’re done, click “Publish” to make the product live. Shoppers on your website can then click on the “Buy Product” button if they’re interested in the product. They’ll then be redirected to the merchant’s shop page.

Shoppers are redirected to the merchant’s page.

You can similarly add many more external products to your WooCommerce store.

If you prefer a video version, please check the video below:

Further reading


  1. Hi, is there a way to add to cart button for the external affiliate link, so when people add multiple affiliates linked products it redirects them to for example amazon linked products with everything in the cart from the woocommerce store?. Thank you!

    • Yes you can do that by going to Products>>Product data>> External / Affiliate Product option and setting it up.


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