6 Best Free Plugins that Restrict Amount Based on WordPress User Roles

Setting a minimum purchase value for WooCommerce is an excellent approach to increasing sales because it forces customers to add more items to their carts in order to reach the minimum order amount required to progress to the checkout page.

I’ll explain why you should have a minimum order amount for your online business in this post, along with the best plugins to make it happen.

What is the minimum order amount for WooCommerce?

The minimal value of items in your shopping cart that clients must have to make purchases from your WooCommerce business is the minimum order amount. As a result, you may raise your revenue with every order.

A prompt stating that “you can’t proceed to checkout” will appear if the customer’s shopping cart has a lesser value than the minimum order amount. The client must place a minimum order quantity before the purchase may be completed.

This is a helpful technique to provide internet customers with better discounts while still making a ton of money.

A minimum order value is often determined by taking into account your total selling margin per item, the cost of shipping, and any other costs you must deduct in order to turn a profit. Setting a minimum order quantity can therefore aid in a smooth cash flow and help you retain profitability.

Why Should a WooCommerce Minimum Order Value Be Set?

In order to avoid losing money on every transaction you make, you should really think about implementing a WooCommerce minimum purchase amount.

Of course, you may dispatch these orders, but you frequently need to provide a minimum order amount in an effort to avoid situations where you can lose revenue.

Setting the minimum order quantity in WooCommerce is a great way to ensure that your profit exceeds delivery expenses in many situations, such as when you offer a product with a shipping cost that is larger than its price.

If you run a wholesale business and sell items to clients for less money than other retailers, the minimum purchase amount is even more crucial. But they have to purchase in large quantities in order to receive your goods at such costs. This implies that you should carefully consider the minimum order amount you set for your WooCommerce business.

Now let us take a look at a few minimum order amount plugins for WordPress based on user roles.

ELEX Minimum Order Amount for WooCommerce

You may define a minimum order amount depending on WordPress User Roles with the ELEX Minimum Order Amount for WooCommerce plugin. In your WordPress site, you may choose a minimum and maximum range for each user role. Additionally, in order to inform the appropriate users of the amount restriction, you may even define a custom warning message.

The plugin is free and easy to use with a simple interface. The plugin is not packed with numerous features, but provides enough functionality to handle its intended purpose.

Crucial Features:

  • You can select minimum and maximum amounts to impose financial restrictions. For each WordPress User Role, you may specify the minimum order value requirement.
  • The restriction on the total order amount might be communicated to customers via text message. Considering that the text box supports HTML, you can insert HTML elements in your message.
  • Enable the appropriate rule for the user role to put the order amount restriction into effect. Disabling the rule allows you to save it for later use while keeping the warning prompt and order amount restriction.

Booster for WooCommerce

A robust WooCommerce plugin designed to enhance your WooCommerce store with cutting-edge features is called Booster for WooCommerce, formerly known as WooCommerce Jetpack. Both the free and premium versions of it come with a ton of helpful options, including the opportunity to define minimum and maximum order amounts.

The functionality of the free version is rather constrained. You may use it to create minimum order amounts by user role (only for guest, admin, and customer roles) and a min and max number for total cart quantity when setting up minimum product order limitations. Additionally, it provides support for establishing a minimum spend cap on the entire cart value.

Crucial Features:

  • Decide on a minimum and maximum quantity for the entire cart.
  • Establish a minimum and maximum order amount for each product or item. (Pro)
  • By user role, specify a minimum order quantity. Only the Guest, Admin, and Customer user roles are supported in the free version.
  • Establish a minimum expenditure threshold for the entire cart value.

WooCommerce Role-Based Pricing

The WooCommerce Role-Based Pricing plugin gives you the ability to base product prices on user roles and specific clients. Prices can be marked up or discounted by a set or percentage amount. Only the designated customer & user roles will see the new rates when they are updated; all other customers will continue to pay the previous pricing.

With the rule-based administration provided by this plugin, you may modify product pricing in bulk for a whole category or a subset of them. Additionally, you have the option to choose a minimum and maximum order quantity when setting up a pricing adjustment, which will prevent buyers from making additional purchases.

Crucial Features:

  • Individual customer and user role price adjustments.
  • Put a fixed price on the goods.
  • Price increases by a percentage or a set amount.
  • Price reduction by a set or percentage amount.
  • Price adjustments at the product level.
  • Add guidelines for bulk pricing changes for particular goods or categories.
  • Suitable for different product variants.
  • Define the minimum and maximum order quantities.
  • If there is a price increase, replace the old price.

Cart and Order Restrictions

You may implement checkout limitations depending on constraints you specify using Cart and Order Restrictions. Restrictions can be specified for the total amount in the cart, the number of items in the cart, the number of items in a certain category, past order history, and more. 

For a certain amount of time, you may create these limits and apply them to particular customers and user roles. You can cap the number and cost of products that customers can buy.

Crucial Features:

  • Limit user checkout depending on the total amount, quantity, etc. in their basket.
  • Restrictions can be enabled for specific user roles and customers only.
  • Customized error messages should be displayed for each limitation type.
  • Add limitation reset days (example: only two t-shirts may be purchased within 1 week).
  • Possibility of adding minimum-to-maximum ranges or comma-separated numbers for restrictions.
  • Add the restriction’s start and end dates.

Order Limit for WooCommerce 

You may define minimum and maximum order quantity and order value limitations with the Order Limit for WooCommerce plugin. Customers are prevented from placing orders for either too few or too many things by the WooCommerce restrict quantity plugin, which makes it difficult for the business owner to fulfill.

For business owners who want strict control over how much may be bought from their online store, the WooCommerce Order Limit plugin is helpful. Online bakeries, dairy stores, or businesses conducting deals throughout certain seasons are a few examples.

You may alert clients to the order limit, so they can alter their purchase amounts with the use of personalized error messages. In order to stop the consumer from going to the cart page, you can also disable the checkout button.

Crucial Features:

  • Establish guidelines and order minimums and maximums for particular products.
  • Set restrictions on the number of goods or the total order.
  • On the cart page, specify Minimum and Maximum limitations for the total order amount.
  • Establish user-level order limit regulations.
  • Set upper-order limits for particular clients, user roles, or visitor users.
  • Make rules at the product level for certain consumers.

Order Minimum/Maximum Amount for WooCommerce

You may configure WooCommerce’s minimum and maximum order values with the plugin. Amounts can be set according to user roles, users, products, product categories/tags, shipping methods/zones, payment gateways, memberships, and currencies.

With a straightforward UI, it is incredibly reliable and simple to use. Due to its extensive feature set, this plugin is a practical option.

Crucial Features:

  • You can choose to define various order minimums based on a user’s role.
  • On the shopping cart and checkout pages, display (and alter) customer messages.
  • Decide whether you wish to exclude taxes, shipping, discounts, and/or fees from the total cost of your shopping basket.
  • When minimum purchase amounts are not fulfilled, provide clients the option to be blocked from the checkout page.
  • Add-to-cart buttons can optionally check quantities right away, or be totally hidden for goods with exceeding amounts.


If you’re just starting off with your online business, it’s a good idea to disable the minimum order quantity restriction at first. Instead, improving product and customer satisfaction needs to be your first priority if you want to increase the visibility of your online business.

As your company grows and becomes more well-known, it’s a good idea to set a minimum order size to maintain a healthy profit margin. For individuals that have reached this point in their internet business, the plugins mentioned above are a fantastic option.

Further Reading



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