B2B Businesses Should Take the Help of Blogs to Drive Sales – A Talk

Blogs to Drive Sales

Last updated - July 8, 2021

Type anything in the Google search bar. Come on, don’t be shy. 

81,000 people do it every second. No matter what you’re searching for, you’ll get a lineup of the best content that matches your query. So you’ll agree that blogs are one of the easiest and most effective ways to provide useful, relevant content to your target audience. 

But blogging is more than just this.

For B2B businesses, a substantial amount of traffic comes from search. According to a Content Marketing Institute study, 76% of B2B companies use blogs as a vital component of their content marketing strategy. 

A B2B blog is a lot like a B2C one, but it’s not aimed at general consumers. Instead, content is more specific to other businesses and professionals. The goal is to help them understand and solve challenges through quality content. So instead of aiming for a sale, B2B blogs work on developing relationships and providing value.

When done right, they can also improve marketing strategies on the whole. B2B blogs can help build brand awareness of your brand, attract more customers, and drive sales. That is why blogging is the third content marketing activity that companies employ.


So why are so many B2B businesses blogging?

1. It’s cost-effective

There are different ways you can direct traffic to your website. For instance, you can use paid ads, but this is an added expense and can block a considerable amount of your capital. Moreover, once you stop placing these ads, the traffic could stop.

Blogging is an affordable solution. All it takes is excellent writing skills to upload quality blogs to your website. And with the number of free tools out there, you can get all the help you need, from keyword research to brainstorming blogging ideas to grammar and plagiarism checkers.

By keeping blogs fresh, varied, and engaging, you can continue to attract a steady stream of visitors. And the more visitors you receive, the greater the chances of conversion.

2. Offers long-term benefits

Blogs provide information to people long after they have been published. So while it may seem like a one-time effort, B2B businesses can feel the results months, even years, later. For instance, evergreen content that continues to offer value can get traffic and leads from a blog written much earlier. 

3. Establishes online authority

According to a LinkedIn survey, 86% of consumers say they would engage with vendors if they received more insights. And blogging is the ideal way to do this. Companies can offer in-depth information, answer common questions, discuss industry trends, and much more in their blogs. 

Not only are they fulfilling consumer needs but are simultaneously establishing themselves as an authoritative figure in the industry. When potential consumers find answers or relevant information via a company’s blogs, they are more likely to interact longer with that company. Moreover, they are more likely to buy a product or service when the need arises, strengthening relationships even further.

For instance, a digital agency that claims to be the best content marketing company in Delaware should have an active blog. Creating valuable content consistently improves its marketing efforts and offers a range of topics and resources to other businesses and professionals. The useful content they create boosts brand recognition and helps earn trust within the industry. And as content marketers, it’s a great way of showing off their expertise in the field of marketing. 

4. Improves the quality of leads

According to HubSpot, B2B blogs can help generate 67% more leads per month. With the aid of keyword research, you can identify topics that people are currently interested in. Discussing these relevant topics in detail helps bring more qualified leads to your website. That means the readers are more likely to be swayed towards an action.

The key is to post consistently. People like to read new content. But more importantly, search engines appreciate and reward it too. So the more blogs you post, the greater opportunity you have to acquire new customers.

5. Improves conversion rates

So while blogs can help with lead generation, they can also boost conversion rates. However, in order to leverage conversions and drive sales, you need to upload blogs consistently. That also includes updating previous ones. Both these activities let potential customers know that you are dedicated to your business, thereby improving your brand image.


6. Foster better customer relationships

You don’t need huge marketing spend to build relationships with your target audience. Blogging is a great way to develop and maintain them cost-effectively. The quality of content you upload and the in-depth insights you offer to readers helps build trust in your brand. Every time you post a blog, you have an opportunity to connect with a customer and influence their thoughts or actions.

7. Promotes interactions at various stages of the sales funnel

The goal of every business is to convert visitors into loyal customers. In order to guide consumers through the sales funnel, you need to interact with them at every stage. Superbly crafted pieces can engage and influence conversions throughout their journey. 


To produce the right result, you need to create different types of blogs for each stage. For instance,

  • A person just entering the funnel will most likely read content that addresses their pain points and challenges.
  • A person in the middle of the funnel will be interested in reading blogs that propose possible solutions to their problems. Blogs need to offer specific products and solutions to benefit their readers.
  • A person at the bottom of the funnel needs that final push to convince them that this brand is the best option. 

A clearly visible CTA at the end of every blog can help readers decide on the next step and drive them forward until the lead converts into a customer.

8. Boost search engine optimization (SEO) efforts

Blogging not only provides your target audience with content but also gives Google a chance to scan and index your content. According to Tech Client, B2B businesses that invest in blogs will have 434% more indexed pages than those without. But when done regularly, it signals that a website is active and that it should be checked for new content more frequently.

When you create more blog posts, you provide Google with more content. This gives Google a greater opportunity to understand and index your content. The possibility of ranking in SERPs increases. As your website gains visibility, it will guide more organic traffic to your site, where you can convert more potential leads.

Closing note:

By looking at the above benefits, it’s pretty clear that blogging can help improve sales and drive ROI. Studies show that marketers who invest in blogging are 13x more likely to witness a positive ROI.


But did you know that you can drive more conversions by making your blogs more accessible? Plugins such as Amazon Polly now turn your blogs into audio. And since it supports multiple languages, B2B businesses can improve reach and engagement. 

It’s a wrap

Blogging has significantly evolved over the past decade. However, it remains an effective way for brands to develop a strong web presence, leverage the business in the digital landscape, and engage with their customers. 

As expected, blogging can help increase traffic and generate more leads. For business owners, it’s a cost-effective marketing and branding solution that cannot be overlooked. Moreover, it allows brands to incorporate content that aligns with changes in technology and consumer demands.

The question now is whether you have included blogs to drive sales in your campaigns? If you’re not B2B blogging yet, it’s time to start today.

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