How to Boost E-commerce Sales With Instagram Advertising

Boosting eCommerce sales with Instagram advertising

Last updated - November 23, 2023

Instagram has grown to become an advertising platform. With over a billion users, it is a viable platform where your business would thrive due to the large pool of potential clients and buyers. Facebook has invested in providing businesses with robust tools that help them in data analytics, especially when analyzing the performance of their ads. 

However, to reach a wider audience and gain more free Instagram followers, you also need to invest your time and knowledge in high-quality content and posts that resonate with your audience. 

This will not only increase the number of followers but also boost your e-commerce sales and profits. Read on as we explain the advantages of advertising on Instagram and how you can maximize your returns from the platform. 

Are There Benefits of Advertising on Instagram?

One of the benefits of Instagram ads is that you can reach the audience of your choice. Even though using hashtags gets your content a wider audience, going with Instagram advertising can increase the likelihood of the people you target seeing your content.  

Instagram advertising eliminates the guesswork of knowing whether your message reaches the target audience. If you want advertising that gets you the desired results, Instagram is there to ensure that the message you specially crafted for a particular group of people reaches them. 

They also added customizable CTA buttons on posts, which means the targeted individuals can click on them and find themselves on your website or Instagram post. Using Instagram to advertise is similar to making online shopping a much simpler process for potential clients. What they need comes to them instead of them having to look for it in the saturated field. 

Are There Requirements When You Start Advertising on Instagram?

There is little you need to do to advertise on this social media platform. All you need are three things:

  1. The products you are selling and good quality pictures of them
  2. An explanation of how you deliver the goods, and the payment options available
  3. Finally, an Instagram account and paid ads

Because Instagram is a visual medium, your target audience will need to see what you are offering. Your visuals should also be different from what the rest are offering. If you can get bold-looking visuals with beautiful colors, people will likely notice your ad.

How to Boost Your Sales With Instagram Advertising

We have researched and gathered some of the proven ways to get people to notice and click on your ads. Here are some of the best ideas and tactics to use. 

Have Strong Call-To-Actions

Good Call-to-Actions get people clicking on where you want them to go if they are interested in your product. They need to be well crafted to motivate prospective clients to click on your CTAs. 

One of the most popular ways of doing this is by offering money-back guarantees if they don’t like the product they purchased. You could also entice them to watch a particular video and then offer them a discount. A witty statement could also go a long way and get people clicking.     

User-Generated Content

Building that trust courtesy of testimonials and reviews will ensure you get the desired client results. User-generated content is particularly a popular go-to method of increasing your sales. When your followers enjoy your products, they also bond, positively affecting your sales figures. 

You could also do contests like “Caption this” or get people to tag their friends and family on their posts to win something. The more people tag you, the better marketing you subject your products to; you can ask them to tag you in some of their photos.

Build From Your Existing Content

When you create an ad, think of it as an extension of your page. When potential clients run into your ad, which stimulates them visually, they expect your posts to look just as good when they get to your page. 

If the content on your page isn’t as appealing as your ads, they are less likely to stay on the page and not purchase anything. Therefore, it is important to create ads similar to your content. Stay true to your brand. If your content looks amazing, make your ads from existing content.  

Try Co-Promoting

New upcoming businesses should increase popularity so people know about them and purchase their products. What’s a better way to do this than promoting your products with an already-established brand? Co-promoting can go a long way in getting you followers, especially if your partner is in the same niche. 

In most instances, businesses partner with other businesses that complement their products. For example, a bread company can partner with a spreading company like a peanut butter or jam business. 

You could create contests on Instagram and Facebook and promote each other’s products, discussing how your two products work great together. As long as both businesses have similar goals and objectives, there are benefits both companies can enjoy.         

Use the Available Tools

Since other businesses are also turning to Instagram for advertising, you will likely face stiff competition. There are also high chances that your clients and prospective clients will see posts from your competitors which is why yours needs to stand out. 

Fortunately, many tools nowadays can help edit images and videos to make them appealing. You can use tools like VSCO and Snapseed to aid in fine-tuning and editing your images to leave them looking the best they can. 

For your CTA, tools like the CoSchedule Headline Analyser help determine the level of enticement and clickability. If you are all about videos, using Lumen5 will help you to edit better videos. All these and many other tools are out there to finesse your work and get it to sell to your prospective clients.


Using influencers to market your products is one of the most-used popular trends. While some companies and businesses go for the big names, others opt for many micro-influencers. These small micro-influencers get you the numbers you want and make your products sell even more because they add a personal touch. 

Most have many followers and are affordable. They endorse your product, and the followers, in turn, learn about it and turn to you to purchase them. You can even sweeten the deal by offering them a discount code to get more sales. If the product is new and yet to come out, you can use micro-influencers to hype it and launch it successfully.


There is no sure formula for marketing, especially on social media. Different brands and businesses go about it in primarily different ways. It is important to explore new ways to market your brand and keep up with the changing trends. Never stop studying your market, as things change from time to time. Look for the latest trends and new partnerships to grow your following and widen your reach.

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