What is Cloud-Native? The Modern way to Develop Software

Cloud Native

Last updated - July 6, 2023

The concept cloud-native refers to the idea of creating and executing apps in the cloud to take advantage of the decentralized computational power it provides. Cloud-native apps make use of the cloud’s mobility, scalability, and resilience.

Cloud-native technologies, as described by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), enable companies to create and execute scalable applications in public, proprietary, and heterogeneous clouds. Canisters, network grids, modules, stateless technology, and descriptive APIs are examples of this methodology at its peak. 

These properties make it possible to build robust, maintainable, and observable systems using loosely connected components. They enable engineers to make frequent and easy modifications with tremendous effect. The contemporary environment of sophisticated applications necessitates the usage of business systems that are more strategic and adaptable than ever before, as users want constant innovation along with an exceptional response. 

With cloud-native, you can move as fast as you want while still maintaining flexibility. Cloud-native services enable the construction of contemporary applications utilizing technologies such as Kubernetes, Docker, serverless functions, APIs, and Kafka. Cloud-native technologies have been successful in facilitating software by enhancing the customer’s experience on any given platform. 

For any firm to flourish, it is vital that it stands out in the crowd by doing something exceptional. The cloud infrastructure is one such investment that has the potential to boost any company’s capabilities and progress. Right from its inception, the cloud-native applications have set a benchmark for various organizations. It will definitely help them in conquering their ambitions. 

Benefits Of Cloud-Native Apps

The major goal of cloud-native applications is to design the architecture of any cloud. It aims at simplifying the complexities and enhancing the experience. There are enormous benefits associated with cloud-native applications:

  1. The use of effective applications is not dependent on one another. They can be used independently. One application does not have any sort of considerable impact on the other. This helps the users in using each application individually. This enables the user to perform multitasking efficiently.
  1. A properly designed cloud-native application has the capacity to survive any sort of malfunction and stay online resisting all traffic.
  2. These applications provide standard services that are result-oriented and have the capability to catch the eye of any professional. It is very portable and can manage increased workload effectively. 
  3. The cloud-native applications are smaller than the other hefty applications used by an organization. This makes it very easy to develop these applications. These apps can also be deployed very easily.
  4. These applications provide a variety of developer options and also enable modification of the applications according to the latest updates released. 
  5. The software update offers the option of zero downtime in such applications. This is a spectacular feature provided by these apps. 

Cloud-native applications are self-contained, lightweight containers that can be scaled (in or out) quickly in response to demand. One can isolate the application and its dependencies from the underlying infrastructure by enclosing everything in a container (such as a Docker container). 

This enables you to run the containerized application in any environment that has the container runtime engine installed. Container orchestrations in Kubernetes are significant because they manage the lifetime of the containers. DevOps pipelines with continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) tools are frequently used to develop cloud-native apps.

Important Aspects Related to Cloud-Native Application

Cloud-native architecture is concerned with the creation of services that will be linked to the cloud. The architecture of a cloud needs to be maintained and supported by the latest cloud. It should be economical and self-healing. Cloud-native architecture does not require the assistance of physical servers and offers a great deal of flexibility to the users. 

One of the most crucial parts of cloud application architecture is microservers and the various serverless functions. They feature as the key tool that helps in the easy migration of companies to any specific cloud. They support essential features such as DevOps

They provide much-needed flexibility to the users. The different microservices interact with each other through the different APIs and use an efficient architecture. Microservices mold an application into an efficient environment for any firm. This can prove to be very vital in boosting the progress of any company.

The term “serverless functions” refers to an architectural style that aims to boost developers’ productivity. A serverless application allows an individual to create code utilizing event-driven architectures and multiple backend-as-a-service (BaaS) models on a platform that functions as a service (FaaS). Provisioning, patching, scaling, security, high availability, and other concerns are no longer necessary. 

Applications are divided up into little chunks of code (nano services) with FaaS platforms like Oracle Functions, which are dynamically scheduled and run on-demand when prompted by an event. The benefit of this technique is that code is only called and run when it is required, and one has to pay only for the resources utilised during the code execution.

Cloud-native services are essential for advanced analytics, mobile apps, and chatbots, and are at the apex of digital breakthroughs. Most of the management chores associated with designing, managing, and maintaining a complex software platform are eliminated using DevOps approaches. 

Software development, deployment, and testing are all done on the cloud and may be scaled up or down as needed. It’s critical to migrate your applications, DevOps, and workloads to a cloud-native architecture if you want to stay competitive.

Services Offered By Cloud-Native Application

The services offered by the cloud-native applications are phenomenal. They play an instrumental role in completing the various tasks of companies efficiently. The various services are given as follows:

  1. Notifications: The cloud-native applications notify the users through the different message delivery partners including Slack, ServiceNow, PagerDuty, and many more. The notifications help in building certain applications that are dependable and effective.
    Streaming: This service enables the streaming of important events for developers and data analysts. It also keeps records of the events streamed and the data shared in that particular event.
  2. Container Engine: This engine plays a valuable role in mitigating the time and cost to design the applications. With the use of the engine, one can easily manage a hefty workload. It also helps in simplifying the complex operations at the most affordable costs.
  3. Container Registry: It is an open standards-based registry service that is used to store and share container images securely. Engineers can easily access these images with the help of the command-line interface. 


Cloud-native applications have proved their worth with the advent of artificial intelligence and machine learning. They have played a considerable role in reducing the worries of various firms. This is the reason behind the rising popularity of these applications. They are being included as a part of all the firms because of their efficiency.

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