7 Common SEO Mistakes Most WordPress Beginner Bloggers Make

Common SEO Mistakes

Last updated - July 8, 2021

Most new bloggers find SEO a creepy world. They become afraid of doing things wrong and show reluctance when it comes to trying SEO techniques. People who have just started to run WordPress blogs might have dozens of questions in mind to avoid any potential errors. Their core purpose is to show the best search results to the internet audience. Although a lot of helpful material is available on the web, yet beginners make mistakes unknowingly. This guide will help you know about the most common mistakes that the majority of beginner WordPress bloggers make at their initial stage.  WordPress was nothing but a ‘blog-only’ platform in the beginning, but now it has developed into a complete Content Management System. Undoubtedly, it is the most prestigious blogging platform in today’s world. 

Let’s discover the most usual SEO mistakes from novice WordPress bloggers. 

Not Possessing a Proper Domain 

Are you serious about building a long-term blogging career? Do you want to make blogging your full-time endeavor? If ‘Yes’ is the answer, then you should own your domain. You are not supposed to run a blog with an address similar to wordpress.com. Using the WordPress can be a good way to begin and test out whether blogging is the right track for you. However, a free blog is not a solution if you wish to take blogging as a permanent passion. Putting your SEO efforts in a free blog will never payback the way you want. Remember, Google and other search engines respect websites that are trustworthy and serious. So, register your domain and host it yourself to enjoy the ultimate blogging benefits.

Lack of Using SEO-Optimized theme

Do you want to make your website rankings better on search engines? If yes, then it is mandatory to opt for the right SEO-optimized theme for your blog. Many beginner bloggers miss out on this important information and start their blogging efforts without using an SEO optimized theme. There are hundreds of WordPress themes that come with SEO optimization, and you can select any of these based on your preferences. Therefore, never stay behind by choosing a generic theme with basic elements.

Not Paying Attention to Readability and Content

Unquestionably, readable and consistent content is the most important aspect of your blog success. You need to pay a lot of attention to content creation part if you don’t want to make any SEO mistake around it. There are many online services that can help generate top-notch content through expert hands. These platforms offer assignment help for students as well, making their educational endeavors fruitful. You can also contact these online platforms to get great quality content, which would be consistent and perfectly readable. Try to keep your blog content relevant and useful for the target audience. It is worth noting that consistent blogging help to maintain a stable flow of traffic.

Missing SEO-Optimized Contact Page

Sometimes new bloggers don’t focus on creating a contact page for their visitors. They consider it too early to make a contact form on a new blog. On the other hand, it is imperative to have an SEO-optimized contact form on your website at its initial phase. It serves as a point of contact for blog followers, even if they are less in numbers. It makes your online presence reliable and builds trust relations for the better. An accurate contact form can work as a conversion driver. If you rightly optimize it through the correct selection of SEO keywords, then it will increase your website visitors to amplify the overall traffic. 

Zero Optimization of Blog Images

The identity of a great blog is the original and excellent quality images paired with its relevant content. Many beginner WordPress bloggers forget this important aspect and totally ignore the image optimization. It is very significant to optimize images for your WordPress blog. You can use image optimization plugins available for WordPress. These plugins compress high quality images without deteriorating their resolution, eventually helping your website load faster than before. It also improves the Google Page Speed score and brings in more visitors. There are many plugins available that can help you achieve image optimization goals.

Selection of Wrong Keywords

The success of Search Engine Optimization largely depends upon the correct keyword selection. This may sound a slightly extensive idea but it can bring great results for your blog’s triumph. You need to find keywords that can represent your blog content and are low in competition. There are many keyword research tools available on the internet that you can use to extract the best-performing keywords for better SEO score. Remember, both Google and visitors use keywords to find the required material on the Web. So, it is compulsory to use keywords in blog content after in-depth research. 

Keeping Slow Load Time

The average load time of your blog directly affects the traffic volume and the abandonment ratio. If a visitor clicks on a slow webpage which takes a lot of time to load, then chances are the visitor will close the page and move on to the next search result appearing in SERPs.  Unfortunately, novice WordPress bloggers don’t analyze and focus on blog loading speed and wonder why visitors are not increasing. You need to make sure that average load time for your blog is not more than 2-3 seconds, or else it will result in visitor abandonment. WordPress plugins like WP Super Cache, WP Fastest Cache, and W3 Total Cache can help you speed up your blog with great ease.


Tackling the aforesaid blogging mistakes can help beginners employ WordPress best practices to turn their blogs into great achievement. Not just novice ones, but many professional bloggers commit technical SEO mistakes and lose their worth on the internet. They hire SEO agencies to look upon and find solutions to their blog issues. However, you can easily avoid the most common SEO mistakes by having a checklist of mistakes that a WordPress blogger should stay away from.



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