8 Content Marketing Strategies to Drive Traffic to Your Membership Website

Content Marketing Strategies

Last updated - September 14, 2022

With membership websites exploding in popularity, more and more business owners are looking to these revenue-generating platforms as an alternative to hosting their products and services on third-party sites like Amazon or eBay. 

But building up a content marketing strategy for your membership website can be tricky if you’re not familiar with its finer points. So I’ve put together these six content marketing strategies to drive traffic to your membership website.

Tip #1: Optimize Articles for Search Engines

Develop a content marketing strategy that gets your membership business’s name in front of people looking for your services. The process is essential for potential membership customers to learn more about your company. 

So how do you ensure that your ideal customers can find your membership business? By creating valuable content that is optimized for search engines like Google. Below is a list of things you should know about SEO:

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is the process of getting your site to rank high on Google’s search engine, which in turn generates organic traffic. The higher you rank, the more traffic your site will get, which increases your conversion rate.

How to Optimize Articles for SEO

Use Keywords

Keywords in search engine optimization are the words and phrases that people type into a search engine to find the information they want. They can also be phrases, names, or even numbers.

Optimizing your content for specific keywords will make it easier for people to find your content when they search online. The optimal keyword density is one to 1-2%, according to most SEO experts. 

Find the best keywords using a keyword research tool like Ahrefs. It is the best among many keyword research tools for its detailed report on two main aspects: total search volume and keyword difficulty.

Finding the most effective keywords that your competitors are targeting can help you create an effective content marketing strategy.

Offer Valuable Insight

One of the best ways to improve your chances of ranking highly in search engines is by providing high-quality and relevant content on your membership website. Publish quality content that adds value to your site, and Google will consider you more trustworthy and authoritative.

Set yourself this goal: Make sure every article you write is valuable to the reader. If you want to achieve sustainable, steady growth and avoid a sudden surge of traffic that quickly dwindles, focus on producing engaging and interesting content.

Tip #2: Incorporate Links to Free Training Materials

Giving away free stuff is a great way to grow your following and generate more sales. In addition, giving away free content such as PDF tutorials, eBooks, webinars, and more can help you build your audience and establish yourself as an expert in your industry.

If you give people the opportunity to “buy” things cheaply or for free that they would otherwise have bought at full price, then they may feel compelled to buy other products from you in the future because they feel like they owe it to you.

Tip #3: Promote Your Articles on Social Media Channels

Social media is a valuable tool for businesses. It is an easy and cost-effective way to increase traffic to your website. Take time each day to share new content on social networks media. 

Use social media scheduling tools to automate your posts for a more consistent personal brand pattern. These scheduling tools have the ability to post content at predetermined times, so you’ll have more time to spend on other aspects of your membership business. 

Buffer and Social Oomph allow you to schedule content in advance and automate your social media posts. Using them ensures that there is always fresh content available for the audience when they visit your page, improving engagement rates with followers.

Tip #4: Re-purpose Old Blog Posts

When it comes to creating content for your membership website, you can save time, energy, money, and aggravation by repurposing something that’s already written.

Repurposing your content is surprisingly easy and doesn’t require much more than an update. For example, you can recycle old blog posts with a slight tweak, or turn them into a new infographic, or even turn them into a graphic video.

Every day we see brands on social media sharing content from months ago, not because it’s new but because it’s relevant to the time of the post.

You can also expand on your original idea and explore new angles that you didn’t have time to explore the first time around. It’s all about making the most of what you’ve got!

Tip #5: Run User-Generated Content Contest on Social Media 

User-generated content (UGC) gives brands and marketers a way to reach new audiences and increase brand awareness. 

A user-generated content contest is a great way to get new ideas and content from your followers. The contest can be a “post a photo” type of contest or a more creative one.

For example, you can use the hashtag #yourcompanyname as the only requirement for entry and offer prizes such as free products, coupons, or discounts on your services. 

Another option is to run a photo contest on Facebook. This lets your followers share their photos directly with you, and it’s a great way to engage with your audience. What’s more, it allows you to find the best photos taken by fans of your brand, which can be used for marketing or PR.

People tend to be more engaged and participate in a contest if they know there is a reward. You can offer travel packages, limited-edition merchandise to celebrate special occasions like holidays or anniversary dates. In addition, you can provide gadgets and accessories. 

Remember that the prizes should be age-appropriate, relevant to your brand, and tied into the campaign message.

Tip #6: Add Engaging Graphics to Entice Readers

Images are a great way to engage your readers visually. They’re an essential component of your content and can be used in any part of your blog post.  

 The visual appeal of your website is a great way to grab your readers’ attention and encourage them to stay for more content.

Visuals are the best way to represent a brand. Brands use visuals to create a strong emotional connection with their consumers through a combination of colors, graphics, and imagery.

Design is the backbone of every blog. It’s the first thing your readers see, and it’s what keeps them engaged. Design can also direct a reader’s attention to a message by using visual hierarchy and contrasting colors.

Tip #7: Interact With Commenters on Blog Posts

According to the University of Texas and Austin, 55% of Americans have left an online comment, and 77.9% have read them. So, commenting on popular posts in your niche is a great way to reach out and interact with people who share similar interests. Choosing a thoughtful comment can lead to increased engagement and networking.

Remember that one of the easiest ways to develop a great business relationship is by asking the right questions and exploring how to help each other. This is a way for you to offer services that are beneficial for both parties.

Tip #8: Promote Content Through Email Marketing

Marketing emails are an effective way to deliver information to customers. In addition, they can be used to provide updates on current products and services.

Offer Discounts

A great way to keep your members happy is to offer discounts or other member-only benefits through email updates. You can send an email once a week or every other week with an update on what’s new or about a current sale or promotion.

Make sure it’s relevant to your members, and they feel they’re getting their money’s worth! Keep providing value to your members, and they’ll be more engaged.

Use Testimonials in Your Email Marketing

Testimonials from existing members can help new members feel confident joining a solid, trustworthy community. What’s more, your existing members are your best source of word-of-mouth marketing for your membership website.

A customer’s endorsement is worth its weight in gold these days because it has the potential to reach more people than any other form of advertising. Customer testimonials reassure potential members that they are making the right decision by joining your list. 

Offer Free Trials 

Send your members an email offering them a free trial. Customers will be more at ease knowing that they don’t have to spend money trying out what you’re offering.

It will be easier to offer them upgrades to access more exclusive content when you have established trust with your members.

Additionally, email invitations put recipients in a more receptive state, making them feel valued and respected. If they do not become customers right away, you have earned their trust. Trust will help you seal the deal once they decide whether to buy from you.

Content is king. It’s what will get you more visitors, more sign-ups to your membership site, and ultimately more money. All the paid marketing techniques are great for getting people to your site, but valuable content is what will keep them coming back again and again.

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