How to Create a Year’s Worth of Social Posts in 10 Minutes or Less

Social Posts in 10 Minutes

Keeping your social media feeds up-to-date with high-quality, valuable content is essential not just for engaging new clients, but also for retaining and upselling existing clients. Unfortunately, regularly pushing out high-value content is also incredibly time-consuming for just one platform. When you start to consider managing multiple profiles, things get even more challenging.

If you can’t afford to hire an employee or agency to take on social media full-time, how can you juggle keeping all your feeds fresh while still running your business? Take a breath. It’s easier than you think! In this article, we’ll explore how you can build a year’s worth of social content (across multiple platforms) in just ten minutes or less.

Begin with High-value Resources

The best way to ensure your social media presence is high-quality is to start with high-value resources on your website. Blogging bi-weekly or weekly is an excellent way to start growing your library of valuable resources on your website. If you aren’t blogging yet, this may be a bit more of an undertaking for you, but it’s more than worth it. 

Start by building your blog strategy. This will ensure all your efforts are optimized for success. If you’re just starting out, it may make sense to begin blogging monthly. Once you’ve got that under control, you can amp up your frequency. As long as you develop valuable content, blogging weekly is ideal.

Not sold on the value of blogging? Outside of creating high-quality content you can promote on your social media profiles, blogging also helps:

  • Increase your rankings on Google search.
  • Build trust and authority with your audience.
  • Drive traffic to your website.
  • Convert prospects into paying customers.

Ideally, your blogs should be 750-1500 words long and educate your audience on something. Articles shouldn’t just be a means to promote your business. Instead, your audience should feel like they’ve gotten value out of reading your article, whether they learn something, discover a new way of doing something, or learn how to avoid a pain point.

Use Beautiful Images

Stock photos can be pretty cheesy and aren’t very engaging for your audience. But, taking your own photos can take forever and is incredibly challenging for non-photographers. Instead, use royalty-free sites like Unsplash and Pexels to find high-quality images you don’t need to pay for.

Just search for a keyword and you’ll find hundreds of beautiful images you can download and add to your blogs and social media posts. If you’re struggling to find photos, try making your search a little more general. When you find an image in a style you like, you can also navigate to the photographer’s profile to browse more of their work. While it’s nice to provide credit to the photographer, you aren’t required to do so.

If you want to add text, your logo, or a graph, you can take your selected images into a tool like Canva. Canva has an incredible free tool that lets anyone become a graphic designer. If you decide to edit images, it’s a good idea to maintain a common theme. Use complementary colors and the same font across images for a clean, cohesive look.

Build Drip Campaigns for Each of Your New Blogs

Each article you publish represents a goldmine of opportunities. From a 1,000-word blog, you can easily develop more than a dozen social media posts to drip out to your social media profiles over the course of a year. If your content is evergreen (meaning that it stays relevant for many years) you can get even more runway out of a post.

A drip campaign is a social media campaign that gets “dripped” out over the course of many months, promoting the same piece of content. In each new post, you can highlight a different aspect of your article or promote it in a slightly different way. While you could manually write out a dozen posts when you write each of your blogs, this is incredibly time-consuming and not an effective use of your time.

Instead, Missinglettr makes it easy to automate the entire process. After connecting your RSS feed, Missinglettr will automatically detect each new article you publish and begin populating a campaign promoting it. Once you’re ready, you can visit your drafts dashboard to refine the campaign and launch it.

After opening a draft campaign, you’ll notice that Missinglettr has already populated recommended hashtags, images, and quotes. It’s easy to click through and make any adjustments. The entire process takes less than ten minutes from blog detection through launching your campaign. Gone are the days of staring at an empty Facebook post wondering what you should publish. Now, your entire social media presence can run on autopilot. 

While you’re starting out, it will take a few iterations before you reach critical mass, but once you have a few campaigns running in tandem, you’ll find your drip campaigns to be perfectly sufficient for maintaining an engaging social media presence.

Share External Content

What if you’re not ready to begin blogging weekly, or you are and want to sprinkle in content from other industry sources? Typically, manually curating content can be even more time-consuming than sharing your own campaigns. First, you have to find relevant industry publications. Then you need to prowl through all of their recent content in search of engaging pieces your audience will care about. After you find the perfect article, you have to write a creative post to publish on your social media, select an image, and pick out a few hashtags. The entire process can take upwards of an hour and only produce one usable post.

When you use Missinglettr Curate, you select the categories you’re interested in and the language you use. Then, Missinglettr will begin recommending relevant content you can add to your queue. Each piece of content comes ready with copy to share on each social media platform, an accompanying image, and relevant hashtags. Once you select a piece of content, you have the option to edit the post or schedule it as is.

Stop Wasting Time on Manual Social Media Management

Keeping all of your social media profiles active with high-value content shouldn’t be a full-time job. When you use effective tools, you can streamline your efforts and drive better results than you would manually. Instead of wasting hours each week perfecting your next post, tracking down industry content to share, and jumping around to various platforms to publish, you can focus on growing your business.

Many of the tools mentioned above have free plans you can begin on when testing out your strategy. You may even find that the free plan is completely sufficient for your needs. If you find yourself reaching account limits, these tools are also incredibly affordable, even on paid plans. When you consider how much time you’re saving and the new revenue you can drive, you’ll find the investment to be more than worth it.

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