How Wix Contributes to the Business Growth in 2024

How Wix Contributes to the Business Growth in 2024

A website builder is a tool that allows you to create websites without any coding skills or prior experience. It has a responsive user interface and numerous web page templates and domains, and it can be used to create e-commerce, business, or personal blog websites.

Such a powerful website builder is Wix. In this article, we will look at what Wix is and how Wix contributes to the business growth by adopting a futuristic approach.

What is Wix, and how it stands apart

Wix is a powerful drag-and-drop, no-coding website builder that helps you create websites with user-friendly interfaces, comprehensive web layouts, and designs. It has built-in attributes for eCommerce, marketing, scheduling, branding, and more. 

Wix was founded by Israeli developers on October 5, 2006. Since then, it has undergone several transformations and changes, with technology propelled by Artificial Intelligence. Elements that have made Wix different from its competitors include Artificial Design Intelligence (ADI), customizable templates, and a large app market ranging from e-commerce solutions to marketing tools.

It is the most popular website builder in the world, powering over 10.8 million websites globally and 8.5 million live websites, surpassing GoDaddy, Squarespace, and many other reputed website builders.

Here’s how Wix contributes to the types of Business Growth

Before we discuss how Wix can help businesses expand to higher scales, let us first understand business growth and its types. If a company has increasing profits, sales, or market share, it is said to be growing, known as business growth. No one-size-fits-all technique evaluates or measures the level of business growth. However, an escalation in profits, customer base, or market share means a business has expanded.

Some types of business growth include diversification, market development, partnership, and more. Let us analyze how Wix, with its various features, aids companies in these varied kinds of business growth. 

Market Development:

Market development is a business development initiative to identify new markets for existing products. Wix helps businesses expand into new market segments, which helps increase sales and overall market share with increased popularity. 

  • Expanding business presence and customer reach:

Wix assists businesses in creating multilingual websites, helping them reach international markets and thus providing a global presence. The advanced SEO tools Wix offers improve visibility on search engines, attracting new customers from different regions. It also guides on keyword integration and meta tags, which improves website traffic and expands customer reach. 

  • Local Market Adaptation:

It provides personalized content based on a business’s location to cater to local markets better. Its integration with local business directories and Google My Business helps enhance regional search presence. This facilitates businesses’ development of the existing regional market and opens the possibilities of new market segments. 

Market Penetration:

Market penetration means increasing product sales in the existing market with existing products to increase revenue and market share. Wix helps businesses market their products and services with several features to increase existing product sales.

  • Enhancing Online Visibility:

Wix’s SEO and SEM integration provides several tools for optimizing search engine marketing and improving website search rankings. This eventually leads to better awareness of products and services, leading to more chances of conversions.

  • Enhanced existing customer engagement:

Wix seamlessly connects with several social media platforms, such as Instagram and Facebook, which results in more customer engagement. Other content marketing features of Wix include built-in blogging and automated email marketing, which help websites engage with existing and potential customers and keep them updated about new products and services. 

Product Development:

Product Development is a type of business growth and ansoff matrix that means introducing a new product or tweaking existing products in an existing market. Companies use this growth strategy to expand their brand market share and increase revenue streams.

Many websites, like Walmart, Nikon, and Adidas, use Wix’s e-commerce features and analytics in their product development. Let’s examine how Wix helps businesses in this area.

  • E-commerce features: 

Wix’s robust e-commerce platform helps introduce new products efficiently and quickly. Its many apps, like Wix Stores and Wix Bookings, can turn your website into a fully-fledged e-commerce store. Website owners can showcase their products’ images or videos more clearly with Wix’s high-quality product gallery. 

  • Analytics and customer feedback:

Product development is not limited to introducing a new product; it also requires regular and constant testing and implementation for improvements. Here, Wix’s in-depth analytics play a significant role in tracking product performance and consumer behavior. Its collaboration with several review platforms helps gather customer feedback for product improvement.

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A):

When two businesses merge into a new one, it is called a merger. However, acquisition is a term used when one company acquires another. Mergers with great companies or acquisitions with big businesses are significant signs of business growth.

Wix has spent $82 million on acquisitions and understands the importance of M&A. Hence, it has provided several features to help your company’s mergers and acquisitions. 

  • Easy integration of multiple websites:

With Wix’s dashboard, users can manage multiple websites for seamless integration and operations. It offers easy customization that ensures brand consistency across new businesses, either acquired or newly created.

  • Communication Effectiveness:

Newly acquired companies have communication challenges at the start. Wix helps companies by providing unified communication tools. Wix’s centralized communication tools enhance team collaboration and customer interactions. 


When two businesses collaborate, they increase the possibilities of higher business growth for both. Partnerships are a great way of growing customer databases by earning more clients at lower customer acquisition costs. 

Let’s look at how Wix helps partnership businesses and how it helps in increasing alliance prospects.

  • Enhanced collaborative opportunities: 

Wix’s drag-and-drop function helps create dedicated landing pages for partner collaborations and joint ventures. It also includes tools that assist in setting up and managing affiliate marketing programs to incentivize business partnerships.

  • Resource Sharing:

With its reliability and reputation as one of the best website builders in the world, Wix assures secure file sharing and storage options for efficient partner collaborations. 


Diversification means expanding to new markets with new products. Companies progress to this growth strategy to expand their business by creating new products or adding services to existing products. 

Wix’s A/B testing and service booking features have helped many websites diversify their businesses, such as Wendy Ju, Animal Music, and Izzy Wheels. 

  • New marketplace opportunities: 

Wix helps business owners sell their products on multiple online marketplaces. It has collaborated with many online platforms, such as Instagram and Facebook. It has also assisted in creating membership areas for exclusive content and services, thus diversifying revenue streams for businesses. 

  • Choosing the best market strategies:  

Wix offers several tools for experimenting with different market strategies that match your business’s nature and help you identify what works best.

Future of CMS and Wix

Content Management Systems (CMS) and Wix are powerful website creation tools. With its user-friendly interface, Wix is an exceptional website builder with the potential to design a simple personal blog, intricate portfolio, or educational website. Similarly, CMS is a powerful platform that enables people to create, modify, and manage website content without coding knowledge.

The future of CMS is extensive. In the coming time, several CMSs, such as Shopify, WordPress, and Joomla, might offer dynamic and personalized content delivery and cybersecurity with blockchain technology for websites. 

With the recent rise of AI, CMS has implemented its practices and will add several features, such as AI-powered content creation and curation. The world of CMS promises a landscape where voice-first experiences will go hand in hand with technologies like Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR), revolutionizing content creation, delivery, and optimization. 

However, Wix has already applied AI to a transformative function: its “AI website builder,” where users can create websites by just typing what type of site they want to build, and Wix will take care of the process ahead. With progressive technologies, Wix will empower millions of website users with innovative tools and its forward-looking perspective for seamless support.

All small business owners or new website creators will benefit from the evolution of CMS and website builder platforms like Wix. This will help increase brand awareness for businesses, increasing their revenue streams with enhanced brand image.


We learned how Wix contributes to and helps grow the business world. We examined different types of business growth and how Wix’s advanced technology tools and features aid in massive business awareness and online presence. We also reviewed the future of big CMS platforms like Shopify and WordPress, diving deep into the ocean of creating and managing websites. 

But, in the end, we will not discuss Wix’s benefits. We will focus on increasing business owners’ awareness of websites because websites are a great way to list their business online, make their brand famous worldwide, and generate massive profits.

Rapid technological advancements will allow us to see new CMS and website builders with exclusive and innovative features. These features will help in the three E industries—E-commerce, Education, and Entertainment—hence transforming the digital ecosystem of online business.


1. Is Wix good for starting a business?

Wix is one of the top website builders for small and large businesses that want to set up their websites. In the earliest stages of conception, users can use Wix’s free business name generator and logo maker to start their brand’s journey. 

2. Why is Wix good for small businesses?

Wix is suitable for small businesses because it allows users to create free websites with reliable web hosting, secure content storage, and hundreds of impressive web layouts, templates, and design tools. With a premium upgrade, businesses can utilize features like POS payments, invoices, an online store, etc.

3. What percent of profit does Wix take?

No, Wix does not take a cut from the percentage of sales. It offers dynamic pricing plans for its users but does not charge a percentage of business owners’ profits through the website. 

4. Can Wix sell products?

Yes, Wix can sell physical and digital downloadable products (such as software, ebooks, or media files). Users can sell products with Wix Stores (an application by Wix).

5. What is a Wix pricing plan?

Wix offers dynamic pricing plans ranging from $0 to more than $500$ for individual users to large enterprises for seamless website building. It allows users to create various plans, such as free, one-time, or repeating subscriptions.

Further Reading



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