3 Inspiring Website Design Trends for 2023

Website designing graphical image

Last updated - October 4, 2023

Entrepreneurs must make the internet a part of their business in this digital age. A website and online presence can help a brand be visible to the right audience in today’s digital landscape.

True, it’s not enough to set up a shop or advertise on social media. However, creating and managing your website is a great way to promote your company online. A website can be a powerful tool for converting leads to sales if done correctly.

Websites must be well designed to stand out in a sea of competition. We’ll show you some high-engagement web designs that can be used on your page. These web design trends are influenced by the consumer habits of a new generation and could help you to create a successful domain.

It is important to remember that a stunning website layout can attract attention, but the interaction of elements on your page will keep a user’s eye.

Web Design Trends 2022

After extensive research and examining some of the most successful websites, the 360 App Services team concluded that these three web design trends would likely dominate the digital world.

These design trends influence everything, from the way designers create to user interface design to future iterations for everything from websites and package design. You can zoom in and out quickly, so keeping up with what’s hot is essential to avoid falling out of fashion.

Now, look at each trend and find out what we have in store.


2022 will be the year when everyone recognizes the importance of typography. A website’s typography should not only communicate information but also be able to move viewers and create an experience that resonates. Web designers are realizing this and have put a lot of thought into typography design.


Moving typography is the web design trend we think stands out and will likely be the dominant website design trend in 2022.

What do you prefer as a viewer: boring, static, engaging, interactive text that grabs your attention and moves seamlessly? The latter is the best way to encourage the viewer to engage with the website.

A web designer can always use animation. In the past, animation was limited to smaller-scale elements like graphics and illustrations. We expect to see new surprises in animations this year and moving typography.

Big & Bold

Website design is becoming more critical with bold and large typography. You’ll notice that bigger, bolder, and more powerful typography will make your message stand out.

Typography that is super-sized has both aesthetic and functional benefits. One, it can be used to draw attention to your brand’s unique selling point or call to action by placing it in large type on your main page. Your website will be remembered by visitors who remember the bold type and are more likely to return to it.

These are the two most popular typography trends. They will be straightforward to implement and attractive for website visitors. This is a simple but effective design trend that is expected to be a major in 2022.

3D Illustrations

3D illustration has been one of the most popular design trends in the past year. The 3D design allows designers to take 2D ideas and make them come to life in 3D. This visual style is perfect for web design and site design, including digital interfaces and social media resources.

This trend is growing in popularity, especially when it comes to apps with fun cartoons or soft candy colors. These characters look like Claymation characters when animated. Cutout 3D is another subtrend. It is a collage of 2D cutouts placed in a 3D environment.

This combination is especially effective when it’s combined with a parallax effect, which allows the viewer to feel the 3D environment by hovering above the complex group of illustrations.

3D design can be a complicated art. However, it shares many similarities with photography. The 3D illustration is not only about the technical skill of modeling objects. It also requires a scene in which to place those objects. As with photography, 3D design requires you to consider the shot angles, lighting, and, most importantly, the scene composition for the work you are trying to create.

You can create 3D illustrations with different software such as Maya or Houdini. No matter what software you choose, 3D design involves manipulating points and surfaces within a three-dimensional space. Each 3D software tool has a variety of features that will help you achieve the desired results without making it tedious or time-consuming.

The best thing about 3D illustration? Its versatility. There are many uses for 3D illustration. It is often used in magazines, product design, and advertising campaigns.

3D illustration can also be used on websites, flyers, and animations, as well as for billboards and flyers. It gives assets a contemporary and creative flair.


You may have ever scrolled through a website only to be captivated by all the animations, effects, or element transitions that appear on every scroll. These animations are known as scroll-triggered animations and can be beautiful to see, but they can also increase user engagement and make websites more memorable.

Scroll-triggered animations that are well-designed grab our attention. Soon we find ourselves engulfed in the textual content that matches our scrolling speed, images that zoom in and out as they enter or leave the viewport, graphics that follow our mouse movements, etc. Each new scroll makes the scene more exciting and dynamic. It’s as if we are floating in 3D space, and all of the elements around us are telling a compelling, coherent story. 

Scroll-triggered animations are very popular on storytelling websites because they keep people interested in the content and encourage them to stay longer. This is because text-rich pages are often skimmed by visitors, which can lead to them not giving the content the attention it deserves. Scroll-triggered animations are a great option.

Scroll-triggered animations make it easy to navigate websites. Because the content is presented in a well-planned manner, we never feel lost. We see exactly what we are supposed to see when we are supposed to. A browsing experience that is unique, engaging, and captivating


While the web design trends for 2022 are a step in the right direction, it’s not new. Digital designers are often at the forefront of digital design trends. The future is moving quickly in this age. These trends are refreshing because they focus on joy.

They can bring back a lost decade, delight the user with animations and interactions, or offer something unique, but the aim of the web design trends for this year is to create a momentary wonder.

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