Magento 2.0 – A Comprehensive Guide To Optimization

Last updated - July 21, 2022

Magento 2.0 is a well-known e-commerce platform for merchants and users. More than 250,000 merchants worldwide use Magento for their online business. 

Website speed is essential for any online business because it influences its ranking on search engines. It helps your website stay on top. But, as more users visit your site, it starts to slow down, which will affect the overall rankings on Google. 

In this blog, I will share ten steps that you can take for optimizing your Magento 2 platform. It will help you provide a better user experience as no one likes slow loading websites, and your website will rank no 1 on Google. 

10 Steps For Optimizing Magento 2.0 E-Commerce Store 

Optimize Your Images 

Your e-commerce store must have tons of images to demonstrate your products to the customers. Too many of them can slow down your website speed to a great extent.

That doesn’t mean you delete them, but you can compress these images. You can also use newer formats like JPEG XR, JPEG 2000, and Webp, which have 40% faster loading times than traditional formats. 

Use Lazy Loading For Your Images 

Another solution is using Lazy Loading. Google recommends it if you have dozens of images. Lazy Loading is easy to implement and will speed up your website significantly. 

In Lazy Loading, only those images will load that are required and delays the remaining ones until the user scrolls down the website. It will optimize the loading speed of your website, provide a better user experience and save bandwidth space.   

Conduct Server Side Checkups 

This point often gets ignored in terms of boosting the Magento 2 speed. It is recommended that you go with an 8 GB Ram/4 Vcpu server to increase the speed of the Magento 2 store.   

Use CDN To Boost Up Content Delivery 

CDN (content delivery network) will help you provide an exceptional user experience and boost your Magento 2 website. It creates a cache of your website files on different remote servers and provides content quickly to the user’s location. It doesn’t matter what host you are using, as every user will experience the same speed when accessing your store. 

To get maximum benefits, install CDN on-premise and not on the cloud.

Enable GZip Compression  

GZip is an application used for compressing and decompressing files. With GZip, you can compress all pages of your website and boost its speed significantly. 

GZip compression also reduces time to first byte and server response time. For example, if the page size is 128 kb, GZip will compress and send it to the browser with 30-40 kb in size. 

Optimize Your JavaScript Code and CSS

If your Magento 2 store is built on Java-Script, JQuery, it will first load its function before rendering meaningful content to customers. So, your website will take more time to load and create a bad user experience. But, don’t worry as there is a solution for it. 

Non-critical JS code can be avoided in .ready (), and you can also balance the JS code load and content rendering timing equally. 

Also, you can balance the load by using $(window).ready() and $(window).load(). 

Another way to boost Magento 2 speed is optimizing Javascript: timeouts and intervals. Break Javascript code into smaller parts with minimal intervals. Use the command setInterval (Func, delay) and setTimeout (Func, delay).

Remove Unwanted Attributes and Modules In Magento 2

Removing unused attributes and unwanted modules in your Magento 2 platform is one of the best ways to speed it up. It will boost the page load timing. Here are commands to remove them: 

  • php bin/magento catalog:product:attributes:cleanup. It will remove the unused attributes 
  • bin/magento module:disable Magento_Marketplace. It will disable the module. 

Activate Varnish Cache Tool 

Varnish cache tool creates a layer between users and the webserver. Frequently, it will cache all those files into RAM that users often request. Implementing the Varnish cache tool will bring up requested files quickly. Users won’t have to wait for page load anymore.

To fully reap the benefits of this tool, combine it with CDN. The CDN will cache all the overall content and boost your Magento 2 ecommerce store speed.

Enable Flat Catalog In Magento 2 

Magento 2 stores data and products in an entity attribute model, and there would be dozens of entity attribute models for each of your products and data. It can significantly reduce the website speed and affects the user experience negatively. 

Enabling the flat catalog attribute will consolidate all your products and data in one place, which will make the response time to the MYSQL query faster. Here are the steps to enable a flat catalog in Magento 2: 

  • Go to the configuration section in the admin panel
  • Select record on the left panel under the catalog section
  • Go to the storefront section
  • Click on Yes to use flat catalog product fields
  • Save the changes 

Clear The Unnecessary Database Logs 

Unwanted database logs gather over time as you use Magento 2 website, and it will keep piling until you clean it. A large number of database logs can reduce the overall speed of your e-commerce website. 

So, clearing your database logs is one of the best ways to optimize the speed of your website. Go to the PHPMyAdmin panel and clean the records manually promptly. 

Further Steps You can Take For Your Magento 2 Website

We hope that you will find the above solutions helpful in optimizing the speed of your Magento 2 website. Further, you can contact Magento 2 certified professional developers at Goodtal. 

They will help you with your online store development requirements and offer the best solution. You will get the lists of the best Magento 2 developers with streamlined workflow at an affordable rate.

Further reading



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