Pro Tips for Students to Grow Shopify Store Quickly

Student Tips for Growing Shopify Store Quickly

E-commerce is the latest trend in the sale of products!

Its ability to allow for one-stop shopping regardless of geographical location or payment methods has attracted more people due to its convenience in terms of availability and simplicity of payment methods.

Since it doesn’t require a physical store, many can venture into it, and students aren’t left behind. 

Shopify has made a name for itself in the field of e-commerce and emerged as one of the best online digital storefronts.

One interesting fact about Shopify is its ability to simplify the tedious tasks involved in setting up a digital store.

It applies its friendly user interface and inbuilt designs for functionality such as analytics and inventory management.

All these features have led to small and big businesses setting up stores with Shopify. 

However, many online business owners have not found it easy and seamless to grow their digital stores.

It is a journey that requires effective planning, strategic marketing and management, and a focus on customer satisfaction.

So, if you are a student running a store on Shopify, we’ve curated some tricks to help you grow it quickly.

Conduct Market Research on Your Business Idea

An entrepreneur needs to understand their market niche well. Market research will help you understand your target market in-depth and keep up with changing tastes and customer preferences to offer top-notch products.

Research will help you offer tailored services to meet your customers’ needs. It will also allow you to analyze your competitors and make decisions to remain relevant and provide competitive prices.

Moreover, regular market research can help you identify gaps and untapped opportunities, giving you a unique selling proposition that enables your business to stand out as a brand.

Optimize the Site

As an online businessperson, your website is your “store.” It is a shopper’s first impression. The site should be easy to navigate, like, to ensure a seamless user experience.

A good site will provide an excellent customer experience, make it easier for the customer to view the products’ payment options, and spend less time. 

A fantastic way to optimize the site is to ensure shoppers can easily navigate it on mobile phones. Most online shoppers use their phones or tablets to access digital stores.

Use vivid colors, interactive graphics, and optimized texts that can be read easily on small screens, checkout boxes, and single and double layouts.

Choose what you see works best, but ensure the site is well-optimized to boost customer experience.

Utilize Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is vital in online business since it boosts a website’s availability on search engines. As a Shopify seller, it is recommended to do regular SEO updates to stay on par with the industry’s best practices.

Target your ranking on prominent search engines such as Bing and Google. You can boost your SEO performance by using relevant keywords in product descriptions, metatags and titles, and alt text images.

Besides, use high-quality backlinks from reputable websites to improve ranking in search engines.

By investing in a good SEO strategy, you can build organic traffic to your store, which is potential customers and, in most cases, can be easily converted into active and loyal buyers.

Invest in High-Quality Content

Customers love to be engaged; otherwise, the trail turns cold, and they disappear. Thus, it is good to invest in quality content and regular updates on your website.

The information you post should be clear, concise, and captivating. It may include educative articles or blog posts regarding the products you are selling, descriptions of how to use them, and even entertaining articles.

Regular quality content will keep shoppers engaged and frequently visit your page to consume the content. 

One trick to ensure regular updates is to create a content plan calendar for when you should post new content. It’ll help to establish a routine and keep customers expecting the next post.

Regular content updates that relate to your buyers will help build a good rapport, connect with them, build trust, and easily advertise your items.

Utilize Social Media to Market Your Merchandise 

According to data reports, a typical adult with access to the internet spends an average of 2.5 hours daily on social media apps. It translates to 865 hours per year, equivalent to 36 days.

These statistics show the power of social media in the current era. Utilizing platforms like TikTok, Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook to promote your Shopify store will significantly increase your relevance. 

Depending on your merchandise, create accounts on social platforms that align with your buyers. Besides, consider paid advertising on various platforms to enhance your reach.

While at it, remember to use quality photos, videos, and user-generated content. What’s more use social sites to run giveaways, contests, and discount codes to increase brand visibility.

Use Paid Influencer Partnerships

As a student Shopify entrepreneur, you can leverage the power of online influencers to help promote your merchandise.

If your brand struggles with recognition, you have just started Shopify, or your growth has stagnated, partnering with well-established influencers and brand partnerships can work magic on your numbers. 

Influencers can a larger audience, meaning they’ll help shoot up your business visibility. While picking influencers, ensure that your values and brand objectives align.

Also, set clear expectations and guidelines for your collaboration. Conduct regular assessments to monitor the collaboration results and ensure they fit your growth model.

Use Email Marketing

Marketing via email has been proven to be an effective way of converting leads into buyers. To maximize email marketing, create an email list and send regular and helpful information such as discount codes or newsletters.

You can also tailor-make the email content to make it more personalized depending on customers’ needs. Remember to keep customers engaged and up-to-date with new products and running promotions. 

Sending information via email helps in strengthening customer-brand relationships. Moreover, marketing via email can boost repeat sales, ensure customer loyalty, and increase revenue overall.

Continue building your email list and see your venture grow.

Focus on Customer Service

Nothing adds more value to a business than a happy customer. Happy clients do more marketing; they refer their friends or participate in word-of-mouth marketing.

They are also more likely to follow your business on social and leave positive reviews and testimonials, increasing your brand’s trustworthiness. 

Customers are the most critical part of any business – no customers, no revenue. Therefore, before focusing on any other aspect, ensure exceptional customer service.

To boost customer service, reply to customers’ questions on time; it can be done through live support or chatbots. 

You can offer a personalized client service experience to take things a notch higher. For instance, an email should have the customer’s name on the greeting headline.

Customers take note of personalized services since it shows the business values them and sets a standard of care.

To personalize customer experience, you can set a segment where you recognize and reward loyal customers and send gifts or notes to your customers.

You can also educate the customers by giving free demonstrations on the products or oven samples to lucky winners. Putting the spotlight on customers makes them feel appreciated.

Strategic Pricing

Online businesses are competitive; therefore, ensuring your prices are competitive with the prevailing market prices is crucial. Pricing is vital in determining your revenue growth as an online entrepreneur.

It is not just a random number but a figure that maintains the delicate balance between your profitability and customer value. But don’t be greedy. 

A strategic pricing strategy considers various factors, such as the competitors’ prices, allowing you to set a competitive value in current market conditions.

While using this method, ensure that you highlight the value of your products and why the pricing is fair. As a brand, it is good to have constant flash sales and limited-time discount promos.

They attract customers quickly as they try to get the discount. You can also set up subscription models for regular customers, boosting loyalty and ensuring constant revenue growth.

Another pricing strategy is bundling, which involves grouping related items. Tiered pricing can also help you offer different prices based on factors such as quantity or features, allowing customers to choose what fits them. 

There is no “one size fits all” pricing method. Thus, it is good to try different pricing approaches, analyze their impact on the business, and choose the best approach.

Use Targeted Ad Campaigns

Targeted ad campaigns in apps such as Google or Facebook ads help reach a targeted audience. They are audience-specific and increase your brand visibility.

The good thing about ads is that they are relatively affordable compared to other advertising methods and can be tested to assess their results. 

Techniques such as A/B testing, also known as split testing, can generate and analyze business metrics, allowing for data-driven decisions on messaging, targeting criteria, user interface, or your website.

The method also helps with assessing performance metrics analysis, such as conversion and click-through rates. 

Incorporate Shopify Apps to Accelerate Growth

Shopify provides a variety of plug-ins that are crucial to assess your business growth, boost functionality, and ensure seamless processes. You can use plug-ins and apps to manage crucial functions such as price automation.

Price automation plug-ins such as dynamic pricing optimization help collect competitors’ prices and analyze them, enabling you to make necessary adjustments and ensure your pricing approach is up-to-date. 

You can also automate mail marketing, customer segmentation, and abandoned cart recovery by integrating apps like Omniscend or Klaviyo. Apps like help display customer reviews, increasing your brand’s trustworthiness.

Inventory management can be made through apps like Stocky to help keep you updated with your stock numbers. SEO optimization can be done through apps such as SEO Manager.

Integrating these apps and plug-ins in your Shopify store will make functionality more seamless.

Focus on Customer Retention

There should be constant revenue for a business to stay afloat. Maintaining existing customers will help to keep your business afloat as you look for more customers.

Besides, it is easier and less costly to manage existing customers than to look for new ones. One trick to retain clients is to contact them regularly to ensure they are engaged. 

Offering customers VIP treatment such as personnel customer service to sort sales-related problems such as refunds, check on their complaints, and regular newspapers will also help to retain customers.

You can also create a loyalty program such as a special discount, for example, a second-time shopping discount. Reward your customers for loyalty and see them stick with you.

Focusing on customer retention will increase your customers’ lifetime value and smoothen your revenue curve.

Analyze Your Financial Performance Using Business Analytics

Business analytics helps to gauge your growth as a business, where you are coming from, and where you are headed. It also helps you to identify accomplished milestones, met objectives, and the areas that need improvement.

Thus, data analytics can help you gain valuable insights into critical areas of your business, such as revenue growth, customer lifetime value, best and worst-performing products, goods returned, demographics of your customers, and the ratio of new to existing customers to old customers, among others.

By doing analytics, you’ll be better positioned to adjust by making data-driven decisions and avoiding the effect of blind decisions. Analytics will thus help you to set realistic and achievable goals based on your current performance. 

Final Thoughts

There is no one-size-fits-all trick that will help you grow your Shopify store quickly. In reality, intervention measures vary depending on the performance of your store.

While it may initially seem complex, it is doable and worth it. Integrating tips such as strategic pricing, social media marketing, SEO, and email marketing will bring you closer to your dreams. 

Don’t try to change the whole business simultaneously; it will be overwhelming. Instead, focus on small, continuous improvements and be consistent.

Above all, value your customers, focus on your brand visibility, and constantly conduct assessments to establish your growth curve.


What is Shopify, and how does it help in e-commerce?

Shopify is an online platform that helps people create their digital stores to sell products. It’s like having your store on the internet, where you can display and sell things to customers worldwide. Shopify makes it easy to set up and manage your store, even if you’re just starting or don’t have any technical skills.

Why is market research important for my Shopify store?

Market research helps you understand your customers better and what they’re looking for. By knowing your market niche and keeping up with changing trends, you can offer products and services that meet your customers’ needs. It also helps you stay competitive by analyzing what your competitors are doing and finding ways to stand out.

Why is SEO important for my Shopify store?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) helps your Shopify store appear higher in search engine results like Google. This means more people can find your store when they search for products you sell. By using the right keywords and optimizing your site’s content, you can attract more organic traffic to your store.

How can I promote my Shopify store on social media?

Social media is a powerful tool for marketing your Shopify store. You can create accounts on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok to showcase your products and reach a broader audience. Using quality photos, videos, and user-generated content can help attract more followers and drive traffic to your store. Additionally, running giveaways, and contests, and using paid advertising can increase your brand visibility on social media.

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