SaaS Emails: The Ultimate Guide To Using Testimonials And Customer Feedback

Testimonials And Customer Feedback

In this day and age, everyone uses sites like TripAdvisor or google to check up on a businesses’ reviews, to make sure they’re legitimate and good quality. In fact, did you know that people are 270% more likely to purchase a product with 5 reviews than a product with no reviews at all?

Customer feedback is becoming more and more important because it establishes a trust factor from an unbiased user. Incorporating these testimonials to your SaaS emails can make a huge difference and make you stand out from your competitors, so read on to find out how to use testimonials and customer feedback to your business’s advantage.

Keep it short

When using a review to market your product, don’t pick lengthy ones that others are probably not going to have the time and energy to read through. Instead, pick short and punchy ones that go straight to the point. 

Indeed demonstrates a good example of a testimonial that’s not only short, but also relatable in its social vibe:

“…I was looking for a first edition for my dad’s birthday and I had almost given up. I went in just to see what they had and they were the friendliest people! [Parchment Bound Books] helped me find the perfect book for him and even offered a layaway.”

If you can find a review that’s got a punchy headline or a touch of humour, use it! It’ll make your brand and your product sound more relatable and it’s more likely to stick in a potential customer’s head for longer.

Use video to your advantage

Source: Pexels

Research suggests that potential customers are far more likely to watch a video than they are to read paragraphs in an email. Use this to your advantage and create video testimonials or reviews. The same advice applies, keep it short, sweet and straight to the point. 

Google often uses video testimonials to show off new products and or new features to existing products. They would often use storytelling in video testimonials to make them more relatable to consumers.

Seeing another person in the flesh describe how much they like your product and how much they trust your business is much more likely to sway a potential customer to use your services than a few lines on an email!

Build trust with welcome emails 

Welcome emails are an important part of establishing a bond with a new customer. Such emails should be inviting, so that you can gain email recipients’ trust. 

For example, when people sign up for the process management software Asana, they’ll instantly get a welcome email with a simple subject line: “Welcome to Asana,” and then showing easy steps in continuing the process of getting acquainted with the site.

Source: Asana

 Use reviews on your reactivation emails

Sometimes users get flooded with emails from a plethora of companies they’ve used in the past, including yours. Unfortunately, these emails can sometimes look eerily similar to each other and be of great annoyance, causing a customer to unsubscribe from your email list or membership. 

Dropbox is an online storage site that often reaches out to their customers via emails. If some recipients haven’t been responding to email, then they’ll send a reactivation email such as this.

Source: Dropbox

Re-activation emails are a good way to remind a former customer of the services you offer. Moreover, using happy customer reviews on your reactivation emails is a very useful tool, as you’re reminding your former customer of how wonderful your product is and how much others love it. 

Encourage your customers with survey emails 

If you want to make a customer, feel like their opinion matters, encourage them to leave their review with a friendly survey email. Not only does this make your customer feel like you’re interested in their individual feedback, but you’ll also increase your pool of reviews that you can use in the future. Also, the feedback that you receive can genuinely help you improve the product or service you’re offering, so it’s a win-win for everyone involved!

Amazon will always email customers who have purchased from the site to take surveys and write reviews on the things they’ve bought. As you can see, Amazon understands the potential in customer testimonials, since they welcome reviews of their products.

Check out the best survey plugins for WordPress.

Utilize user-generated content

Once again, a great way to make your customers feel like you care about them as a brand is to use the content they produce. For example, if they take a photo with your product, be sure to repost it on social media and thank them for their custom. Similarly, you can take this type of user generated content and include it in your emails as a way to market your products whilst validating your customer and appreciating their efforts.

Social media platforms like Instagram have made it easy for consumers to share testimonials online. By taking photos of products, posting, and reposting others’ posts, consumers are helping create user-generated content for others.

Referral Program Emails

Want people to share your business, and what it’s about?

Referral programs are a great way to bring people together. One of the best ways to get people to refer others to your business is by sending your current subscribers and or customers referral program emails.

Square makes it easy and enticing for people to have its current users to refer other people to their products and services. The company would send emails to its users saying that if they refer other people to Square, then both the user and the newcomer will get a monetary freebie once the newcomer signs up. 

Source: Square

It’s a win-win for everyone: your company, your current users, and newcomers.


Overall, as a business it’s very important to use reviews and feedback to your marketing advantage, not just as a nice pat on the back! Not only will you be improving the quality of your services, but you’ll also become a better marketer of your product too!

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