Top SEO Strategies for WooCommerce Website

SEO Strategies for WooCoommerce

Last updated - April 1, 2020

Ranking organically high in search engines such as Google is a major challenge. Although eCommerce SEO approaches have similarities to conventional SEO, you’ll want to take a more oriented approach to be as successful as possible. Below we will focus on the key SEO strategies for WooCommerce sites that will remain effective and relevant in 2020.

Product descriptions should be engaging

Some of the most important yet frequently underestimated eCommerce tactics are writing original product descriptions that validate your identity, engage your market, and inform your shoppers that will set your eCommerce platform apart from your rivals in a way that makes sense for both search engines and your consumers.

Great web page copy is much more useful because you are marketing items that can be sold on hundreds of other eCommerce pages. Because all of these shops can copy and paste a web summary directly from the seller, resulting in small, redundant text across several sites. Whether your products are sold everywhere, or you’re the only manufacturer, writing creative and entertaining product reviews can improve your organic rankings, customized for your target keywords. When performed well, it should do it while increasing sales performance at the same time.

Improve search results with good content using paraphrasing tool

Ever wonder why certain tests tend to provide more details than others in Google? Have you looked for a service, for example, and found some web pages showing star scores in the search results for feedback right in? Normally these improved outcomes benefit from the webmaster applying structured data on certain websites.

Structured details can not only help you boost the reviews, but it will also help you with the reports and callouts that are included in the SERPs. Use a grammar checker and improve search results with good content using paraphrasing tool to write perfect content for your site.

Optimize for mobile

For more than a decade, optimizing your website for mobile devices has been even more relevant each year. When you run an eCommerce shop, preference needs to be given to mobile experience over desktop experience. It involves designing a responsive website that is customized to the scale of the accessing computer.

Google has been telling us for almost three years now that they are transitioning to mobile-first ranking. If Google prioritizes the smartphone experience, it is up to the e-commerce shop to do so too.

This means they pay more attention to your smartphone platform than to your online site as Google makes its website rankings. Because most eCommerce shoppers are either beginning or finishing their online shopping, you should concentrate on the mobile experience.

Decrease Page Load Times and enhance site speed

An even more critical feature of Google’s algorithm, making a strong website, can dramatically increase the rankings and user experience.

Tools like Pingdom helps you stay updated on your site’s performance aspects.

You should concentrate on customer experience, but remember how easily the site loads are part of the experience. In this respect, if you deliver your content better than the competition within your niche or market, you don’t have to be lightning fast.

Large image files might slow your site down. Always sure that your images are compressed correctly for use on the web. 

Improve customer engagement and reviews

Structured data to show stuff like SERP feedback is fine and all, but if you have two comments on your website, it doesn’t look so fantastic!

To encourage the customers to write a review, create a reward plan. This approach will go beyond feedback because you will consider interacting as much as possible with your past, current, and potential customers. Repeat customers are tremendously valuable in the e-commerce market, and online consumers respond to offers.

Aim for long-tail keyword

Your blog should include long-tail keyword relevant to your target keywords for items and categories for your eCommerce store. This will provide reviews of the products. If you sell leather jackets, for example, you can write posts about winter, cold, fashion, building a tool to let people decide what size jackets they need, etc.

Focus on navigation

The customer interface is a highly neglected element of the eCommerce stores of today. Focus on designing a web site that is easy to access, particularly on the smartphone. Blaze the route from the home page to checkout to the least resistance.

This can only improve your conversion levels but will also boost your organic exposure. Google pays attention if a customer returns back to the search engines or not. So, page navigation and accessibility play an enormous role here. If you receive keyword ranks on Google, but all the traffic goes back to Google to find a suitable website, Google would presume that your website is not an appropriate place for sending traffic.

Conversion rate optimization

The value of CRO cannot be stressed. Consider recruiting a specialist firm that provides advice on conversion rates. It is an environment where finding a specialist doing the job will also be tremendously helpful.

You should work diligently to boost the conversion performance by using objective evidence, AB checking, video records of the real browser sessions. Easy improvements involve changing the text and color of CTA keys, but real CRO is so much more than that and involves a qualified technical oriented specialist.

You will be able to get detailed analytics reports on your conversions and individual product performance using this plugin.

Make your products link internally

Internal Linkage is considered to be an old technique, but it is still highly important. Concentrate on putting specific internal links on page copies and articles, and you will see the improved outcome. As long as you’re not stuffing keywords or inserting useless links, internally linking through your web is a great way to make Google understand your web and content so much better.

Use YouTube to market your products

Our first tip was to write creative and engaging product reviews. Product page videos are a fantastic way to be more interactive, especially if they are new and not borrowed from the seller.

Ensure the web pages are not slow down by the videos. You can use tricks like making sure you load all the necessary things on the website before the video loads, and the visitors can still access the content without having to wait to load the video file.

This plugin helps you add self hosted or embedded videos to your WooCommerce product image gallery.

You can opt to upload your own videos or insert videos from YouTube. The benefit of embedding YouTube videos is that YouTube will become your own marketing machine if you’re able to invest in high-quality video production tools.


Working with an existing e-commerce agency can be very beneficial. If you take your online company seriously, SEO approach can be handled in-house. You may want to consider recruiting an e-commerce SEO agency for your e-commerce site. Moreover, you can use a variety of SEO tools to rank higher in Google rankings. There are free as well as paid tools available online to boost your rankings by making your SEO more specific and result-oriented.

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