Top Under Construction Plugins for WordPress & WooCommerce Sites

Under Construction Plugins

Last updated - July 8, 2021

When you are getting started with a WordPress site, there are often chances that you are not yet ready to go live. Or, you might want to do some major redesign of your eCommerce store that is gonna take some time. In all these scenarios, you don’t want to drive traffic to your site, and let customers go through an unfulfilling experience. What will you do to avoid this? The best strategy would be to keep your users and customers informed about the on-going maintenance or the backstage preparations. If you are talking about a WordPress site or a WooCommerce store, there are several plugins to help you out. In this article we will discuss some of the top Under Construction Plugins for WordPress and WooCommerce Sites.


This is one of the popular options to create under construction or coming soon pages on your WordPress site. You will be also able to create beautiful landing pages for sales and discount offers using this plugin. More than 180 page templates are bundled with this plugin to help you design the best experience to your customers.

One of the top under construction plugins, this one offers numerous templates and images to help you design a fabulous under construction page.

One of the standout features of this plugin is the simple and user friendly page builder with a drag and drop interface. Instead of making the page builder bloated with unnecessary features, they have kept it simple and to the point. Along with the bundled page templates, you can also make use of their large image repository to create attractive page designs. You will be able to access more than one million royalty free, high quality images ready to use with this plugin.

The plugin also helps you create tracking links, which you can share with your affiliates, and consumers. This can help you in understanding the nature of your traffic, and how it is affecting your conversion rate. When you purchase this plugin, you can also be assured that you will get reliable and fast support from a team of experts. Single site license has a price tag of $69.

SeedProd Coming Soon Page and Maintenance Mode

This is a great option if you are looking for a plugin to limit access to your WordPress site when it is getting ready or under maintenance. It will also help you in building an email list while your site is under maintenance mode. This will help you enhance the traffic right away when your site goes live.

One of the best under construction plugins for WordPress, this one helps you create beautiful landing pages as well as maintain your customer interaction strategy and traffic building.

The plugin comes loaded with a real time page builder that will help you design and customize your pages the way you like it. You will be able to access some 50 different themes, more than 750 Google fonts, and half a million background images. If you have an email marketing software like MailChimp on your site, this plugin helps you collect email ids for that as well. It even has options to save email ids on WordPress database, as well as helps you send an automatic response to users who sign up.

Furthermore, it helps with limited access by password protecting certain parts of your website. You can also limit access based on the IP address of the users, or based on their roles. The plugin also offers features that will enable better social sharing and referral tracking for your site. Overall, this can be a great option to sustain your customer’s interest on your site while you are getting it ready for them. The basic license would cost you $29.60 per year.

Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode WP

If you are looking for a really fast and easy option to set up a maintenance page on your WordPress site, this one can definitely help. It is a lean and mean tool that has all the the features you need along with beautiful themes to fit diverse design requirements.

Simple user interface and abundant design options reserve a place for this one among the top under construction plugins for WordPress.

The plugin offers more than 100 themes that you can customize effortlessly to fit into your business idea. Moreover, you will get access to more than a million royalty-free, images of superior quality to let you design amazing landing pages. The user interface of the plugin is intuitive and helps even beginners to create good looking customer facing pages.

Furthermore, it offers support to your email marketing or customer relationship management tool by helping you collect email ids. It also has an SEO friendly set up that helps you achieve your traffic goals in quick time when you go live. Also, you can give restricted access to select users while the site being under construction. This plugin can be a good option too if you are looking for a simple solution to set up an under construction page. There is a short term license option starting at $6.99 per month.


This is another popular plugin that will help you create an under construction page easily. With a few clicks, you can easily set up maintenance mode page on your site using this plugin. There are built-in templates available with the plugin, however, you can use the premium ones or install external ones as per requirement.

A popular choice among under construction plugins, this one is free to install and offers premium templates that you can purchase and install.

Furthermore, you will be able to integrate your email marketing service free with the plugin. It is free to install the plugin, but if you need premium templates, you will have to purchase them. If you are using one of their premium templates, you will get priority support as well. The price of premium templates start from $3.99.

Coming Soon Page Elite

This plugin manages everything you need for a maintenance plugin simplistically. The plugin offers ample designs, images, fonts and logos to help you design a custom landing page when your site is under maintenance. It also offers an option to display a countdown timer to inform users when your site will be back live. In addition, it offers options to allow selective access to users to your site. You can also allow access to specific portions of your site based on urls or IP addresses.

This is one of the top under construction plugins that will help you design amazing landing pages and helps you keep in touch with users.

The plugin offers support to integrate email marketing tools as well as social media accounts. This will help you get back in track quickly in terms of traffic and users. A two-site license of this plugin is available at a price of $14.95.

Maintenance Pro

This is another popular option to set up an under construction or coming soon page on your site’s frontend when it is going through a maintenance routine. You will be able to create a beautiful background overlay to the page with images or videos. It also allows you to customize the text and fonts on the page to reflect your brand’s identity. The plugin also has a feature to set a countdown timer, whose appearance can be chosen from three available options.

This plugin is loaded with features and is quite easy to configure.

Moreover, the plugin helps you provide selective access to certain users through user roles. It also helps to integrate email marketing services such as MailChimp or Campaign Monitor to help you grow your subscriber base. Also, the plugin offers an option to display social media icons so that customers can easily interact with you. The plugin is quite easy to configure and is undoubtedly one of the preferred option by several WordPress users.

Coming Soon CountDown Responsive WordPress Plugin

This is another plugin that offers you the necessary features of a coming soon plugin. You will be able to choose two different layouts with countdown timer while using this plugin. It also offers several design option with features like variable background patterns, colors and transition effects. You can even have a YouTube video playing in the background.

This is another simple option among under construction plugins to help you set up a coming soon page on your WordPress site.

The plugin also offers option to offer restrictive access to certain users based on WordPress user roles. Furthermore, it allows smooth integration with several popular email marketing platforms and helps you build a customer base before going live. The regular license of the plugin would cost you $18.

WP Dev Art WordPress Coming Soon Plugin

You can try out this plugin if you are looking to find the most suitable option among under construction plugins for your WordPress site. It offers ample options for customizing the coming soon page with background sliders, videos, animations and more. You will also find three different designs for countdown timer and over 30 in-built fonts. The plugin is SEO-friendly and helps to integrate email marketing tools smoothly.

This is another popular option among under construction plugins that has a lot of options for customization.

While using this plugin, you can allow selective access to customers based on their IP addresses. The plugin is completely responsive and works with all WordPress versions. You can purchase a single site license of this plugin at $14.

Under construction plugins for WordPress sites and WooCommerce stores

There will be several scenarios where you don’t want to provide free access for users to your website. During these times, you don’t want to negatively impact your user base. Under construction plugins that offers integration with email marketing, social media and CRM tools will ensure you won’t lose customers during maintenance. Hope you got a basic idea on some of the best under construction plugins that you can use on your WordPress site or WooCommerce store. Leave us a comment to share your view.

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