A Beginner’s Best Guide to Coding Websites: Choosing the Right Language (2024)

Beginner guide to coding websites

Every day, 175 websites are being created. This statistic certainly conveys the demand for website developers around the world. Now, to be an exceptional website developer, the first and most important requirement is to know some languages used for coding websites. Choosing the right language to start your journey as a full-fledged developer requires assistance and understanding. 

Since there are so many languages, it’s no surprise if you initially feel a bit lost. Nothing should come your way when you are determined to be a standout developer.

In this blog, I try to guide you through the important coding languages that you need to have a first-hand understanding of, different websites that need different languages, certain frameworks that help your job easily how to hone your skills, etc.  

What is Website Development?

Website Development means creating, structuring, and maintaining websites. The layout, coding, content, design, etc. form the process of website development, 

Building a website showcases the online presence of the business. Most times, along with the basic understanding of your business, sometimes an ecommerce store also tags along. Such a website’s primary aim is to bring in the best experience for the customers. To achieve this, you need to have access to the best website development team. 

What are the different languages to start with as a beginner to coding websites?

There’s no one right way to answer this question. But, to get the hang of it initially, there might be a need to learn a few languages. Here’s a list of handpicked ones that you can start with:



Hypertext Markup Language and Cascading Style Sheets are where you can hop into this journey. Without learning these languages, it might be quite difficult to get into the base of these. The basic web pages can be created only after you learn the HTML language and CSS helps in styling the web pages concerning the layouts, fonts, etc. 

HTML is otherwise called the building block of a website and helps in structuring the basics like the heading tags, paragraphs, and links and also helps embed images and videos into the website layout. The right full usage of HTML makes navigation easier. 

Now, without style, the websites are going to look dull and also might not want the audience to stay long. Using CSS improves the overall portrayal of the website. With multiple devices of different screen dimensions in the picture, it calls for effective responsiveness and CSS helps provide the same to your website.

The similarity between both coding languages is that they follow a similar syntax and they always follow hand in hand.  



If you want to create a website, that’s a standout and dynamic, then you must learn Javascript. Javascript holds an equally important place with HTML and CSS, concerning your first step towards coding websites. 

The three musketeers kind of form the base of many websites and even gaming applications. Animations, drop-down menus, pop-menus, and such enhancements are possible with the use of Javascript along with HTML and CSS. 

To help you with your website development with ease, JavaScript provides pre-written codes for the usual tasks. Most premium and popular websites make use of JavaScript for the front-end design. 

The best perk of using Javascript for building your website is that you can enter the codes directly on the browser. It reflects directly on the website without the need to reload it. 



Java is an object-oriented programming language and a very popular one among web developers all over the world. It is a mandatory language to learn if you are seeing yourself coding websites in the future. 

OOP-programming or object-oriented programming means that everything in Java revolves around an “object”, which helps in creating custom codes easily for developers. With OOP in place, large enterprises can work together on various aspects of coding websites.

The scalability that is put forward can help in managing large-scale websites effectively. 

Ruby Rail


Ruby Rail has gained wide recognition among budding website developers for its ease of use and extensive adaptability. It follows a great likeness to English, which helps budding developers to comprehend the language easily. The language in itself gives a lot of guides and tutorials that help in understanding Ruby Rail easily.

The language is an open source, making it accessible for budding coders to use.

When compared with other coding languages for website development, Ruby Rail helps coders come up with neat codes with lesser to no faults. Also, learners of Ruby Rails are in high demand and hence it might be easy to get hold of a job.

The forum of Ruby Rail developers is quite active and hence helps beginners if they find themselves stuck while coding websites.



Python has a large acceptance rate among the web development community. The versatility and flexibility of using Python make it a popular choice. Just like how we discussed Ruby Rail, Python also has a dependable forum that provides extensive frameworks that help with an easy coding journey for beginners.

For someone who’s just starting out coding websites, the language is as simple as it gets. You can use “Flask”, which has codes set which help beginners get a minimal idea of setting up codes.

So, if you are someone who is just into coding websites, then definitely learning Python can benefit you in the long run.

Different Websites, Different Coding Requirements

Static Website: ‌This website doesn’t come with any glitter or colors. It is one of the most basic websites and someone who is a beginner at coding websites can start with it. This website is made solely with one’s knowledge of HTML and CSS. 

Dynamic Website: A website that has so many elements and catches the attention of the customers. The developers made this website using Python and Javascript coding languages. Along with HTML and CSS knowledge, additional languages that help bring out the dynamics are necessary.

Ecommerce Website: An ecommerce website comes with many layers and usability. A beginner at coding websites needs relevant expertise in PHP and other languages to create the framework of an ecommerce website.

Practice Makes One Perfect: Websites to help practice your skills in Coding Websites

  1. CoderByte
  2. Pluralsight
  3. One Month
  4. Edabit
  5. CodinGame

Final Wrap

Being a web developer is one of the most lucrative opportunities. To be an efficient web developer, you need to learn a few languages that help with ease in coding websites. Start with the basics and slowly level up and learn more coding languages to become a pro website developer.


  1. What coding language should you learn initially?

It will be better to start with HTML and CSS initially, and once you get the grind, you can scale up.

  1. What are the easiest programming languages to learn?

HTML and CSS tops the list, followed by other languages.

  1. How to start learning to code?

There are many online courses out there that help in learning to code websites. Once you have learned, you can also use different websites that give you projects that help hone your skills. I have mentioned some of those websites in the article. You can also join communities of coders to get the best learning curve.

  1. What are the hardest programming languages to learn in 2024?

Some of the hardest programming languages to learn in 2024 are C++, Malbolge, and Haskell, INTERCAL, COW, and Whitespace.

Further Reading


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