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Square for gravity forms

Square for Gravity Forms- Add Square Payment Method to Gravity Forms

This is a review of Square for Gravity Forms, which add Square as one of the payment methods in the forms created by Gravity...

GiveWP Square Plugin for WordPress

This is a review of GiveWP Square Plugin developed by APIExperts. This plugin lets users of your WordPress website pay for their donations using Square...
Currency Switcher for WooCommerce

Currency Switcher for WooCommerce – Now Sell Everywhere

The article is a review of Currency Switcher for WooCommerce. The name itself tells the story. Yes, you guessed it right, this currency switcher by...
Header image for WooCommerce Checkout

WooCommerce Checkout Plugins for Seamless Customer Experience

In an eCommerce store, how your checkout is designed plays an important role in customer experience. In fact, the design of your checkout flow...
Header image for WooCommerce plugins

10 Must-Have WooCommerce Plugins for 2018

WooCommerce powers around 28% of all online stores across the world. The fact that it is built on WordPress itself inspires a lot of...
Header image for WooCommerce email

WooCommerce Email Strategies to Ensure Customer Retention

When you are running an online store, emails are an essential aspect that you cannot ignore. There are several types of emails that you...
image for WooCommerce Checkout field editor

5 Best WooCommmerce Checkout Field Editor for Better Conversions

By the time a customer reaches the checkout page of an eCommerce store, chances of conversion increase by many folds. This is because, most...

Convert WooCommerce Abandoned Cart to Successful Sales (with Video)

One of the major troubles of eCommerce businesses across all sectors is cart abandonment. When you look at the statistics, the impact of the...

Best WooCommerce Subscription Plugins

Subscriptions have become an innovative business model over the years, particularly with rising popularity of eCommerce. The reason for such a wide acceptance of...

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WSDesk WordPress Helpdesk Plugin
WSDesk WordPress Helpdesk Plugin
WSDesk WordPress Helpdesk Plugin
WSDesk WordPress Helpdesk Plugin
WooCommerce Extensions
WooCommerce Extensions
WooCommerce Extensions
WooCommerce Extensions