wordpress folder - search results

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Install and set up a WordPress theme

How to Install and Set Up a WordPress Theme? A Detailed Guide with Video

As you know, themes make it extremely easy to design the visual aspects of your WordPress site. In the WordPress ecosystem, you will find...
Yoast SEO 7.1

Yoast SEO 7.1 : Installation and SetUp in WordPress (with Video)

Yoast SEO for WordPress is one the best content optimization plugin for WordPress. This SEO plugin can boost your site's traffic better than any...
WordPress Debugging

A Quick Guide to WordPress Debugging

Your website is the first impression source for the user. Hence, it is a make or break situation. It can either make the user...
WordPress Plugin Responsive

Making your WordPress Plugin Responsive by using AJAX

AJAX is the latest development methodology and the one that is slowly gaining momentum due to the ease of use it provides to its...
WordPress or Joomla

Which CMS is Better for Sport Sites: WordPress or Joomla

Want to create your own sports site but can't choose between WordPress or Joomla? Both of them are free and easy to use, so...
PSD to WordPress Conversion Using Bootstrap

7 Easy Steps for PSD to WordPress Conversion Using Bootstrap

With the rising influence of online business, more and more businesses are launching their websites.  Also, innovative ways are being discovered to create functional...
New post in WordPress

How to Add a New Post in WordPress and Utilize all the Features

The foremost lesson you can learn when starting with your newly created WordPress site is creating a new post. The practice is something you...
Shopify Vs WordPress

Shopify Vs WordPress: Which Platform Is Better for Your Small Business

Shopify and WordPress are both fantastic options for building and hosting your eCommerce website. But if we compare them side by side is there a clear winner? It will...
Clean up your WordPress site

How to Clean Up your WordPress Site

Regardless of whether you are a neat freak or a messy Slowpoke, at one point or another you will have to clean up your...

Building a Custom WordPress Login Form with Flat UI

WordPress has been around for a considerable time. What started as a portal for bloggers, has now become a content management system responsible for...

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WSDesk WordPress Helpdesk Plugin
WSDesk WordPress Helpdesk Plugin
WSDesk WordPress Helpdesk Plugin
WSDesk WordPress Helpdesk Plugin
WooCommerce Extensions
WooCommerce Extensions
WooCommerce Extensions
WooCommerce Extensions