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Password Protect WordPress content

5 Easy Ways to Password Protect WordPress Content (with Video)

How will you manage to keep content hidden to certain audience on your WordPress site? You will be able to manage this by making...
Gutenix Astra Subscriptions

An Overview of Gutenix and Astra Subscriptions for Multi Builder

Have you heard anything about the term page builder? Nowadays multiple builders of any taste are in high demand among both professional developers and...
WordPress Block Plugin

ZeGuten vs CoBlocks – Which WordPress Block Plugin to Use?

In today’s world, the best way to inform people about your products or services is to promote them in the digital space. Nowadays we...
free wordpress plugins

Free WordPress Plugins for Those Helping with the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic is gripping the world and slowing down businesses globally. At this point, it is important to take essential steps to save...
Shopify Vs WordPress

Shopify Vs WordPress: Which Platform Is Better for Your Small Business

Shopify and WordPress are both fantastic options for building and hosting your eCommerce website. But if we compare them side by side is there a clear winner? It will...
WordPress Plugins for Ultimate Website Design

Top 7 WordPress Plugins for Ultimate Website Design to Make Stunning Website

By now everybody (including both techie and non-techie users) knows what it’s like to have a well-functioning website showcasing your business. The standard procedure...
WordPress Multipurpose Theme

Why Use a WordPress Multipurpose Theme? An Experience-based Review

Choosing the right theme is one of the most important options when you are building your website. There is a wide range of WordPress...

Expert Speaks: In conversation with Dave Warfel, co-founder of Escape Creative

Today at 'Expert Speaks', we have with us Dave Warfel of Escape Creative. Dave is popularly know for WP Smackdown, a site providing comprehensive...
Free WordPress Blog Themes

30+ Top Free WordPress Blog Themes

WordPress is a great platform for bloggers. It is relatively easy to create and maintain a blog on WordPress. One of the important things...
free WordPress themes to sell digital products

10 Best Free WordPress Themes to Sell Digital Products

Selling digital products via your WordPress site is a smooth process, thanks to platforms like WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads. You will be able...

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WSDesk WordPress Helpdesk Plugin
WSDesk WordPress Helpdesk Plugin
WSDesk WordPress Helpdesk Plugin
WSDesk WordPress Helpdesk Plugin
WooCommerce Extensions
WooCommerce Extensions
WooCommerce Extensions
WooCommerce Extensions